Terms & Conditions
By entering you agreed to the following terms and conditions:
- The ONLINE ENTRY FORM does not guarantee entry into the championship as all skaters are only officially entered by their respective Provinces following confirmation of the minimum requirements met.
- The LOC reserves the right to limit entries per section due to limited ice time available at their sole discretion.
- You hereby agree to abide by and fall under the jurisdiction of the rules of the SOUTH AFRICAN FIGURE SKATING ASSOCIATION (SAFSA) and the LOC (Local organising committee) and you hereby agree to be bound by their rules.
- You agree that Entry fees are non refundable if entry is cancelled by yourself after the closing date of entries, other than for numbers of entries being limited.
- You hereby indemnify SAFSA, GNFSA (Gauteng North Figure Skating Association) , SAFSCC, The Ice Rink Company, any Sponsor and any affiliated Company to the Inter Provincial championship against any claims that might arise from injury, damage to or loss of property at the competition.
- You also hereby agree that you or your child may be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded for publicity purposes, and that your/his/her name, voice, image and likeness may appear in any medium or media now known or hereinafter devised, an unlimited number of times, without any compensation to you or your child for such use.
- We have taken precautions to protect your personal information. Your personal information will not be used / shared / sold to any outside company not affiliated to the SAFSA and its membersfor any other reason other than for the organising of the event.