ObservationObservationObservationObservationObservationObservatbservation ;

School becomes multiple layering entity of gazes through partial materials and porosity which is observed to be altered depending upon the activities. To accommodate various possibilities the school allows different degrees of porosity.

Design detail;

Rethinking the idea of school through gradation of gaze and porosity and how can one blur the boundaries between classroom, courtyard and corridor . Can the corridor become an interactive space which merges the inside and outside.

Conceptual ideas;

Gradation of gazes through existing partial materials from school and rethinking idea of school through developing such layers with partial materials and also creating porosity.

Design iteration diagram;

Skylights in classrooms making space more lit .

Gradation of gaze through cuts , and series of classrooms.

Distinct wall heights, levels, openings , moving panels creating layering and porosity and forms formed with existing site conditions like planted trees etc.

Perforated panels with different heights , levels, layering and gradation of gaze and porosity (plan ,iso , section ,elevation) .

Gradation of gaze from classrooms, courtyard and the porosity allows space to be more partial ,active while controlling the noise. Perforated panels with different height and porosity also blur the boundaries between courtyard, classrooms and corridor.

The idea of classroom becoming more partial, interactive spaces where in which the walls heights and levels allows children to have dinner, chat and multiple activites.

There are few panels which are able to rotate , move etc so that spaces can used for exhibition , and closed during lectures . Rethinking idea of corridor an making it more active at the boundaries.