Gauge Theory in Fukuoka
S.Wang: Gauge theory on foliated and contact manifolds
S.Wang: Gauge theory on foliated and contact manifolds

M.Yoshino: Nahm transform of triply periodic instantons
M.Yoshino: Nahm transform of triply periodic instantons

H.Fujita: Equivariant Rieman-Roch number for non-compact symplectic manifolds
H.Fujita: Equivariant Rieman-Roch number for non-compact symplectic manifolds

T.Seto: A cyclic cocycle and relative index theorems on partitioned manifolds
T.Seto: A cyclic cocycle and relative index theorems on partitioned manifolds

Y.Fukumoto: Instantons and Uniformization of 4-orbifolds
Y.Fukumoto: Instantons and Uniformization of 4-orbifolds

J.Lin: On Seiberg-Witten-Casson invariants of 4-manifolds
J.Lin: On Seiberg-Witten-Casson invariants of 4-manifolds

N.Nakamura: Real structures and Pin(2)-monopole equations
N.Nakamura: Real structures and Pin(2)-monopole equations

T.Khandhawit: Gluing theorem for relative Bauer-Furuta invariants
T.Khandhawit: Gluing theorem for relative Bauer-Furuta invariants