Used to calculate the velocity of water in a pipe. Bigger pipe is more expensive, but keeping the water velocity low is important to limit pressure losses due to friction, water hammer, and pipe movement due to water momentum changes inside the pipe. Use the second form to calculate the inside diameter of a pipe at a water velocity of 5 ft/sec. 5 ft/sec is a somewhat arbitrary velocity threshold that some designers use because beyond that the friction losses, danger of water hammer, and pipe movement due to water momentum changes are deemed to be too high. This 5 ft/sec threshold is a simple method of selecting pipe size, but a better method is to use allowable pressure losses due to friction and elevation change and to include protections against water hammer and pipe movement in the trenches (blocking). For example larger friction losses in a pipe going downhill may be allowable or even desirable. Learn more about the units used on this page.

The Uponor pipe heat-loss calculator uses cylindrical thermal resistance methodology, as supported in ASHRAE handbooks, to determine the pipe heat loss and surface temperature for aboveground building applications.

Gas Pipe Sizing Calculator Free Download

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Our drainage calculator was developed in partnership with the University of Minnesota Extension to assist you in the preliminary design and understanding of your drainage needs. We encourage you to contact your local design professional or contractor for more specific design guidance and criteria.

The Prinsco Drainage Calculator estimates the capacity of tile drainage systems. A particular pipe size on a given grade will only carry a certain amount of water. The steeper the grade of the installed pipe, the more water it will carry.

For a calculation of the pipe diameter with this calculator, you should know and enter the flow velocity. It the flow velocity is unknown then you have to use the pressure drop calculator to calculate pipe diameter. You can use pressure drop calculator when the pressure difference between the start and the end of the pipeline (head loss) is available as a known value.

On exclusive calculator page you can use the online calculator without interference from advertisements, additional text, links and other content that is not required for the calculations themselves. A pure experience of using a calculator as with a desktop application.

Calculation of pipe diameter with the pipe diameter calculator is easy. You can use pipe diameter and flow rate calculator for quick pipe diameter calculation in a closed, round, rectangle (online calculator version only) and filled pipes with liquid or perfect gas.

Other values, besides internal pipe diameter, can be calculated as well. You can calculate flow velocity for the given fluid flow rate and internal pipe diameter. As velocity is different on different places of pipe cross-section area, flow mean velocity is computed based on the continuity equation.

Conversion between mass and volume flow rate is available for given fluid density. Also, for perfect gases, volume flow rate conversion for different flow conditions (pressures and temperatures) is possible, so you can quickly calculate the volume flow rate on specific pressure or specific temperature in the pipe, like after pressure reducing valves.

If flowing fluid is perfect gas, you can calculate volume flow rate of that gas at different pressures and temperatures. For example, if you know volume flow rate of some ideal gas at some predefined pressure and temperature (like at normal conditions p=101325 Pa and T=273.15 K), you can calculate actual volume flow rate for pressure and temperature that is actually in the pipe (for example, the real pressure and temperature in the pipeline is p=30 psi and t=70 F). Volume flow rate of the perfect gas is different at these two conditions. Read more about normal conditions for pressure and temperature.

With this calculator, you can convert volume flow rate from standard or some other predefined conditions to actual conditions and vice versa. The calculator uses the mass conservation law for computation of volume flow rates for this two conditions, meaning that mass flow is constant, despite that conditions, like pressure and temperature are changing.

The mass conservation law is applicable only if the stream is in the closed pipe, without added or subtracted flow, if the flow is not changing in time and a few other conditions. Read more about mass conservation of mass.

As mentioned above, pipe diameter calculation with this calculator is not possible if you are not sure about flow velocity and volume/mass flow rate. If any of these two are missing, then you should use pressure drop calculator.

You have to know the density of the liquid if the mass flow rate is available instead of the volume flow rate. If the density of the liquid is unavailable, and only the mass flow rate is known, then the volume flow rate required for pipe diameter calculation is not possible.

For perfect gases, the density of the fluid is not mandatory, if you know the pressure, temperature and gas constant for the flowing gas. The calculator uses the perfect gas equation for density calculation. However, if the flowing fluid is gas but not a perfect (ideal) gas, i.e., if it's pressure, temperature and density are not related according to ideal gas law, this calculator is not applicable if you are trying to calculate that gas density for known pressure and temperature.

This pump and pipe sizing tool is applicable for diesel generator and boiler fuel systems. It is based on the use of positive displacement pumps that are sensitive to suction line conditions, so the first couple of screens ask for information regarding the layout of the main tank(s) relative to the location of the pumps. The discharge side of the pumps can feed a boiler loop, or a header supplying multiple generator tanks. Calculations are based on the Crane Flow of Fluids handbook. To speak to a Preferred engineer who knows NFPA fuel codes and is experienced with fuel oil storage and handling systems, call (203) 743-6741.

The goal is to select a pump that meets the flow and pressure requirements of your project, and design the piping system so that the suction on the pump inlet, and discharge pressure at the pump outlet, are within the safe operating limits of the pump. Starting with 1. PIPING LAYOUT, click on the tank/pump configuration that matches your project. Then click on the NEXT: Parameters button and input the required information. Pump suction and discharge pressure are always displayed at the top left of the screen. Green is good. If a red warning box is displayed, click it for more information. Next click on 3. SUCTION PIPING and input the pipe size, length, and valve information required. Investigate every pulldown box because if you miss one, the default entry could put your system in the red. Do the same with 4. DISCHARGE PIPING. Finally, click on 5. SUMMARY to see detailed pipe and valve pressure losses. You can navigate back and forth between tabs, changing selections as you go until you get a pump and piping system that works.

"The software offers precision through detailed result outputs and advanced options for efficient pipe sizing, allowing engineers to optimize based on parameters like maximum velocity and pressure drop."

When it comes to water flow in pipes, determining the capacity depends on the pipe size and water pressure. Our guide provides handy tables of approximate water flow rates based on pipe size, helping you estimate capacity quickly and easily.

In residential areas, it is required to limit the water flow velocity to a maximum of 8 feet per second (8 ft/s). This is because higher velocities can cause pipe erosion, increase noise, and potentially lead to pressure drops. While specific requirements may vary based on factors such as pipe material, pressure, and fluid properties, it is generally recommended to maintain a flow velocity of no more than 8 ft/s in residential areas.

The thread size of the port on your air compressor tank does not determine the pipe size for your piping system. It is calculated with the length of your piping (building size) and air compressor CFM output. Even though the port on your tank may be small, the air is only traveling through a short distance, so the restriction is minimal. Air is only restricted over a long distance with small piping.

In this case, we know Q and V, but not the area (aka pipe size). Solving for the area we get a formula of A= Q/V. Substituting area with the formula of the area circle and solving for D we get the formula above.

First, determine the volumetric flow rate of the fluid through the pipe. In this case, we want the flow rate to be in gallons per minute. After measuring we determine the flow rate to be 40 gallons per minute.

Dry returns are not completely filled with water. These returns are above the boiler water line and have a combination of water, air, and steam at various times. The pipe sizing has to accommodate all three without backing condensate into a coil.

The condensate leaving the coil is assumed to be at the same temperature as the steam that entered it. Once the hot condensate enters the lower pressure of the gravity return line, a small percentage of the liquid will flash to steam right in the pipe. We use what is referred to as a condensate pressure pair. The condensate pair gives the maximum steam pressure in the coil followed by the pressure you have in the downstream return line.

So how much volume do we need in the pipe for flash steam? Water has a specific volume of about 0.016 cu. Ft. /lb. and 0 PSIG steam is about 25 Cu Ft. /lb. That is a lot of expansion! If we do not have the room to expand, we will back up the condensate flow and even cause some steam hammer. As the steam pressure entering the coil rises, the temperature of the condensate rises and there is more flash steam. e24fc04721

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