Is the interest being earned now on 100% of the money ALL going to him, or will I receive interest on the portion that was deemed to be mine by the court? I want to know if I need to ask the court for financial damages due to him dragging his feet. I calculated that even at a modest interest rate of 4% compounded weekly, I'm losing about $800 a month.

Whether or not your share earns interest from the cutoff date (typically the separation date) until the date of distribution depends on the wording of the stip or judgment of divorce. The if there was a stipulation that you would earn interest on the marital portion then the plan can still provide the information on the gains and losses from the cut off date until the date of distribution and you would have your agreed upon share. Remember a QDRO is an order directing the plan to divide an asset. The settlement agreement/judgment of divorce should contain the information necessary to draft that QDRO. So check your stip/jod to see if you were awarded gains and/or losses from the cut off date until the date of distribution. You do not have to wait for your ex to draft a QDRO. You can have it done and present it to the court (through your attorney unless you are appearing pro se) and have the court sign it. As long as the QDRO conforms to the SA/JOD the court should not have a problem.

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Thank you all for the responses! I actually have begun the process, but I'm stalled at the point where the attorney needs the plan information. I don't have that. We didn't have any specific wording in the agreement about gains/losses, just that I was to receive 50% of the account for the marital coverture period... which was the entire fund. The QDRO attorney seems to think we can include gains/losses but it remains to be seen, I'm really hoping so with the recent stock market action and since my share is over $200,000 there could be some substantial gains!! I appreciate the input and help in asking the right questions!

In my experience, it's pretty standard, when divvying up the account that if it's a percentage as of a specific date and not a flat dollar amount, then earnings (good or bad) from the date are usually included.

In 29% of marriages today, both spouses earn about the same amount of money. Just over half (55%) of marriages today have a husband who is the primary or sole breadwinner and 16% have a breadwinner wife.

From the 1970s to the 1990s, the decline in the share of marriages with breadwinner husbands was due entirely to the falling share of marriages in which the husband was the sole provider. From 1972 to 1992, this share fell from 49% to 23%, and it has remained at roughly the same level since then.

From the 1990s until today, the falloff in the share of marriages with a breadwinner husband has been driven by a decline in marriages where the husband is the primary provider (from 42% in 1992 to 31% in 2022).

The growing share of marriages in which the wife has more education than her husband is likely contributing to the growth of breadwinner wife marriages. Today, 24% of marriages have a wife with more education than her husband, up from 19% in 1972.

Black wives are significantly more likely than wives from other racial or ethnic groups to be the breadwinner in their marriage. This was also the case in 1972. Today, roughly one-in-four Black wives (26%) out-earn their husbands.

Smaller shares of White (17%), Asian (14%) and Hispanic (13%) wives are the breadwinner in their marriage. Hispanic wives are more likely than wives from other racial and ethnic groups to be married to a breadwinner husband (62% have this earnings arrangement). Women who were born in the U.S. (17%) are more likely to out-earn their husbands than are foreign-born wives (14%).

There are also differences by age, with younger wives less likely than older wives to be the breadwinner, a pattern found in previous research. Among wives ages 25 to 34, 11% are the breadwinner in their marriage, whereas 22% of wives ages 55 to 64 out-earn their husbands. Younger wives may be more likely to have very young children, which can negatively impact their earnings. In addition, earnings tend to rise with age and labor market experience, and wives are much more likely to be the breadwinner in their marriage as their earnings increase. Among wives who earn less than $25,000 annually, just 5% are the breadwinner in the marriage. By contrast, 43% of wives who earn $100,000 or more are the breadwinner in their marriage.

Married mothers with children in the household are less likely to be the breadwinner than those without children: 20% of wives without children out-earn their husbands, compared with 15% of wives with one or more children at home. Among married couples with four or more children in the household, 13% have wives who out-earn their husbands while 69% have a husband who is the sole or primary provider.

Declining family size may be part of the explanation for the growing share of breadwinner wives from 1972 to 2002. The average number of children in married households fell from 1.9 in 1972 to 1.3 in 2002. Family size in households with opposite-sex married spouses has not declined since 2002. In 2022, the average married women had 1.4 children in her household.

Household economic well-being is often measured by household income and poverty. After adjusting for household size, marriages in which both spouses work tend to have much higher incomes than marriages with a sole provider. Marriages with either the wife or husband as the primary provider and those that are egalitarian had a median household income of roughly $135,000 to $145,000 in 2022.4 Marriages with a sole earner lagged far behind at around $75,000. Poverty rates paint a similar picture; they are much higher for sole-earner marriages compared with dual-earner marriages (7% and 9% for husband and wife sole-provider marriages, respectively, versus only 1% in dual-earner marriages).

The gender imbalance in time spent on caregiving persists, even in marriages where wives are the breadwinners. Women who are the primary earner in their marriage spend slightly more time than husbands on paid work, and they have considerably less leisure time.

On average, wives in these marriages spend 42 hours per week on paid work, while husbands spend 40.4 hours per week. These wives spend only 21.1 hours a week on leisure activities. By comparison, husbands whose wives are the primary earner spend about 9 hours more per week on leisure (29.9 hours).

In marriages where husbands are the sole breadwinner and wives are not contributing any earnings, the gap in time spent on caregiving and leisure is wider. Husbands in these marriages spend 43.9 hours per week, on average, working for pay. Wives spend more time on leisure activities in these marriages than husbands do (30.5 hours vs. 24.5). And wives also spend much more time on caregiving (14.1 vs. 4.5) and housework (10.5 vs. 1.4).

Among parents, when fathers are the primary earner, mothers spend 15.8 hours taking care of people at home, while fathers spend 7.4 hours on these activities. When fathers are the sole earner in the marriage, mothers dedicate roughly 20 hours to care activities versus 6.6 hours that fathers spend.

Even as egalitarian marriages and marriages where a woman is the primary earner become more common, public views about what husbands and wives would prefer when it comes to their respective earnings paint a more nuanced picture. About half of Americans (48%) say most men in an opposite-sex marriage would prefer to earn more money than their wife. A quarter of Americans say they think most husbands would have no preference as to who earns more, and smaller shares say they think men would prefer to earn about the same as their wife (13%) or to have a wife who earns more (3%).

It was explained on the patch release that different MKs of the same weapon would share blessing pools. You can tell from the fact that staves do not have the same blessing pool that they are not variants of the same base weapon.

Because Yale includes a standardized estimate of $3,700 for the cost of books and personal expenses a student is likely incur while on campus, students can expect to use the money they earn or contribute to cover their own unbilled expenses. Students who spend less than $3,700 for these expenses do not need to earn or contribute the full Student Share. Yale does not expect students to contribute to the cost of tuition, housing, or the meal plan.

The Student Share is Yale's estimate of what a student could earn through a combination of term-time and summer employment. Working on campus and during breaks, however, is not a requirement, and the Student Share does not appear on a Yale bill.

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NEW YORK -- A full postseason share for the World Series champion Texas Rangers totaled $506,263, just down from the record set when the Houston Astros won in 2022, but the total pool increased to the most in Major League Baseball history.

Texas split $38.8 million into 64 full shares, 12.56 partial shares and $48,000 in cash awards, the commissioner's office said Tuesday. The Astros last year divided their pool into 59 full shares, 14.14 partial shares and $940,000 in cash awards.

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