On 2022.08.10, Kim Garam posted scans from the Autonomous School Violence Committee (SVC) document that has been a topic of controversy since her debut. Although Garam, who was 12 at the time, is named as the "assailant student," the report supports her account that she was disciplined by her school for cursing out the "victim student," pseudonym Yoo Eun Seo, while demanding an apology for her friend, a victim of inappropriate and illegal photography.
Despite being named as the "victim student," Yoo Eun Seo is documented to have instigated all the events that led to her schoolmates confronting her and was forced to transfer after posting a picture of a student undressing as revenge while trying to frame another.
The SVC did not portray Kim Garam as a bully and never used the terms "따돌림" or "사이버 따돌림"– "bully" or "cyberbully"– to describe her actions. They disciplined her for "욕설과 협박" and "욕설"–or "swearing and using threatening language."