Dr. Michael C. Bowyer (David J) - Doctor

Melanie Doom (Tom) - Psychic

Stephan Thompson (Dave V) - Medical Doctor

Lindsay Maximilian Gaspare Barbo von Waxenstein (Ambika) - Dilettante

Jimmie Marco Lehman (Chris) - Confidence Man

Zachary "Roulette" Cericola (Shawn) - Gangster Underling

Ruby Edwards (Janna) - Delivery Girl / Getaway Driver

Hap Feingold (Harry) - Card Shark

Otis Carey (Mathew) - Boxer

Clovis Dupree (Rush) - Tracker & Bounty Hunter

Ol' Fred (Rush) - Blood Hound

Maxine Devereaux (Michele) - Doctor

"Wiseguy" Barnabus "Barney" Hills (David J) - Leg Breaker

RIP: Dec 1922, Beaver Island, bitten in half by a Water Horse.

Gracie Law (Tom) - Catburgler

RIP: Dec 1922, Beaver Island, mummified after being granted a wish.

Jasmin Sweetblossom (Meike) - Burlesque Dancer

RIP: Dec 1922, Beaver Island, insane and executed by a friend, Jimmie Lehman (PC).

Jake Kelly (Matt) - Thrill Seeker

RIP: Feb 1923, New York City, squashed by a Shoggoth and sucked into another dimension.

Howard Evans (Matt) - Criminal (bank robber)

RIP: Nov 1924, Campeche, Mexico, burned to death from mis-thrown molotov cocktail by Stephan Thompson (PC). Death by Friendly Fire. :-)

Spencer Noonis (Meike) - Physician

RIP: Apr 1925, Grey Dragon Island, near Shanghai, China, embraced lovingly by a Shoggoth.

Harvey Walsh (Matt) - Thief / Confidence Man

RIP: July 1925, City Beneath the Sands, Australia. Charged a Flying Polyp with two sticks of dynamite.

Marlene "The Darling" Schlüssel (Meike) - Burgler

RIP: July 1925, City Beneath the Sands, Australia. Pulped by a Flying Polyp.

Nate Colins (Dave V) - Archaeologist

RIP: Nylarlathotep possessed Nate's body and then he emerged from the dead body.

Sallah (Matt) - Archeologist / Excavator

RIP: Lost in Ancient Egypt

Eneela (Meike) - Tribe Member

RIP: Lost in Ancient Egypt

Timmy Bone (David J) - Private Eye

RIP: 0 SAN, became faithful servant of Nylarlathotep