Gangsters meet Cthulhu

System: Pulp Cthulhu

PC Generator:

Pulp Meter (medium): 2x HP, 2 Pulp Talents (Resilient, Gadget, and Weird Science are disallowed), Luck spends, Insane Talents.

Here are detailed descriptions of Pulp Talents:

PCs: All archetypes and occupations are available. It's just that you all work for organized crime. PCs are ordered, as part of the crime syndicate, to investigate and solve gangland problems without involving the police and you are to keep a low profile.

If you want a violence hardened criminal, you should take Pulp Talent: Hardened.

See History/Timeline for list of previous and upcoming adventures.

See Handouts for previous clues and leads.

See PCs for list of active and dead PCs.

See Arcane Books and Items for available magic stuff.

See NPCs for NPCs encountered.