Nathan Dong, PhD, CFA 

Department of Finance, Carroll School of Management, Boston College 

FinTech and Cryptocurrencies (MFIN6650) 

Open to both undergrad and graudate students

Course Description 

This course focuses on understanding the design of cryptocurrencies and blockchains and its investment implications. We first discuss the technical underpinnings of blockchain and review key concepts such as decentralization and consensus algorithms. We then examine cryptocurrencies as an asset and review the dynamics of crypto markets. Finally, we discuss the use and limit of arbitrage and hedging in Bitcoin futures and options.


Course Objectives 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to


Optional Textbooks 

Software Installation 

Download and install Anaconda Individual Edition  

To start IDLE in MacBook's Terminal: 

conda activate

python3 -m idlelib

To start IDLE in PC's Anaconda Prompt: 

python -m idlelib

Course Schedule