Nathan Dong, PhD, CFA 

Department of Finance, Carroll School of Management, Boston College 

Data Analytics in Finance (MFIN8870) 

Open to graudate (MBA/MSF) students only

Course Description 

This course is an introduction to data analytics for financial applications using Python programming language and its ecosystem of packages including Matplotlib, Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, and StatsModels). Students will investigate a variety of empirical questions in asset management, corporate finance, derivatives pricing, and trading strategy. The course will highlight how big data and automation of analysis using Python can help shape the way finance is practiced by focusing on problems currently confronting finance professionals


Course Objectives 

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to


Optional Textbooks 

For background readings in finance:

For programming in Python:

More advanced Python topics and applications in data analytics:

Software Installation 

Download and install Anaconda Individual Edition  

To start IDLE in MacBook's Terminal: 

conda activate

python3 -m idlelib

To start IDLE in PC's Anaconda Prompt: 

python -m idlelib

Course Schedule