Responding to a Memoir

  • Read through the Pre-Reading, Reading, and Post-Reading chapters linked here.

  • Reflect and Respond using your Recipe for Representation.

  • Submit your response and be sure to explain if/why you require additional XP.

Base XP: 40

Annie John.pdf
  • Some questions that might help you with your response:

      1. Why would the narrator have such vivid memories of the first time she walked down the road alone when she was five years old?

      2. How is that walk compared and contrasted with the walk to the jetty?

      3. Identify whether you feel Annie's emotional response to each of the places listed below was strongly positive (SP), strongly negative (SN), weakly positive (WP), weakly negative (WN), ir mixed (M):

          • the library

          • the doctor's office

          • the jetty

          • the grooming aids store

          • the shoe store

          • her friend's house

          • the church

          • the main road

          • the doll store

          • Miss Dulcie's

      4. What do the positive memories have in common?

      5. What do the negative memories have in common?