Classical Hero: Introducing Odysseus

Base XP: 90

Learning Target(s):

  • Transform ideas and information to create original texts, using specific vocabulary to create effective description.

  • Refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact.

Consider the character traits of a hero. What does it take to become a hero? Consider first, these common traits of a classical hero:

  1. Humble Beginnings: The hero has an ordinary or even impoverished childhood.

  2. Foreshadowed Greatness: The narrator or characters in the story foreshadow the hero's greatness long before it is achieved.

  3. One Strength: The hero has no supernatural abilities and is an "ordinary" person other than one important strength.

  4. Emotional Motivation: The hero must overcome an emotional hardship, or an emotional issue motivates him to act heroically.

  5. Battle of Pride: The hero must overcome his pride before contributing his ultimate heroic act.

  6. Sacrifice or Death: The hero sacrifices himself for the greater good of mankind.

Across time and within different cultures, heroes have played a role in shaping not only history but future generations by providing the community with a model of excellence, courage, and honor. In ancient Greece, the famous poet Homer created the archetype of an epic hero. The Odyssey is fundamental to the modern Western canon; it is the second-oldest extant work of Western literature, while The Iliadis the oldest. Scholars believe the Odyssey was composed near the end of the 8th century BC, somewhere in Ionia, the Greek coastal region of Anatolia. Many scholars believe the original poem was composed in an oral tradition by an aoidos (epic poet/singer), perhaps a rhapsode (professional performer), and was more likely intended to be heard than read. (source)

Before completing the next assignment watch the video above to get an overview of the epic tale.


For this assignment, you will read several excerpts from The Odyssey to become familiar with the style of text and learn about the heroic deeds of Odysseus and more specifically what traits he possesses that allow him to complete his journey successfully. As you are reading you may want to highlight and make notes regarding the heroic traits he possesses with examples from the text. Here is a list of traits from which you may want to pick.

Next you will write a speech introducing Odysseus at a large awards ceremony honoring epic heroes. Your opening should explain who he is and provide a brief summary of his adventures. The rest of the speech should identify three heroic traits for which he is being honored. Each of those traits should be explained including an integrated short reading of part of a passage. Download the excerpts here.

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