Celebrities VS Heroes

Base XP: 45

Learning Target(s):

  • Respectfully exchange ideas and viewpoints from diverse perspectives to build shared understandings and extend thinking

  • Recognize and identify the role of cultural contexts, values and perspectives in texts.


Consider this quote from Joseph Campbell:

“One of the many distinctions between the celebrity and the hero. . . is that one lives only for himself while the other acts to redeem society.”

Now read this article by Oliver Stone a famous movie director on his opinion of what makes a hero.

It has been said that there was a a time when we celebritized our heroes but now we make heroes out of celebrities. In a response of at least one paragraph (though could be a different format if desired), discuss your thoughts on the role of media in transforming celebrities into heroes and how that influences values and roles in our society. You might give actors, musicians or film characters as examples. You should also include reference to the article.

Submit your completed quest in a discussion thread in MS Teams - that way we can all chime in and you get to practice writing for a broader audience than just your teacher.

Let me know when it's ready, and if/why you require additional XP.