Descriptive Writing

  • Watch the following 3 minute video on descriptive writing:

  • Read the chapters on Descriptive Writing in the notes on Moodle.

  • Pay particular attention to the characteristics and examples.

  • Complete the practice tutorials HERE.

  • Reflect and Respond using your Recipe for Representation. Be sure to include your writing from the practice.

Base XP: 40

  • ADD ON: Write an additional descriptive paragraph using these instructions:

Choose one of the following topics and write a 125-200 word descriptive paragraph. Be sure to employ all conventions of descriptive writing.

  1. a waiting room

  2. a basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racket

  3. a cell phone

  4. a treasured belonging

  5. a laptop computer

  6. a favorite restaurant

  7. your dream house

  8. your ideal roommate

  9. a closet

  10. your memory of a place that you visited as a child

  11. a locker

  12. an accident scene

  13. a city bus or subway train

  14. an unusual room

  15. a child's secret hiding place

  16. a bowl of fruit

  17. an item left too long in your refrigerator

  18. backstage during a play or a concert

  19. a vase of flowers

  20. a rest room in a service station

  21. a street that leads to your home or school

  22. your favorite food

  23. the inside of a spaceship

  24. the scene at a concert or athletic event

  25. an art exhibit

  26. an ideal apartment

  27. your old neighborhood

  28. a small town cemetery

  29. a pizza

  30. a pet

  31. a photograph

  32. a hospital emergency room

  33. a particular friend or family member

  34. a painting

  35. a storefront window

  36. an inspiring view

  37. a work table

  38. a character from a book, movie, or television program

  39. a refrigerator or washing machine

  40. a Halloween costume


Click here for the rubric that will be used to grade your paragraph.

Add 20 XP

Be sure to include an explanation if you request additional XP. Dropbox is here.