Analyzing a Documentary

For this assignment you will be viewing a Documentary Film with the intent to Summarize and Analyse.

  • Read through the notes in the Moodle book on Persuasive Writing HERE.

  • Select a film from DocZone or NFB.

Write a Persuasive Piece (using your Recipe for Representation) in which you

a) indicate which of the modes the documentary film fits into

b) summarize the documentary

c) provide answers to the Five Questions that need to be asked of any media you view (Author, Format, Audience, Message, and Motive). Note: Please integrate your answers smoothly into your analysis, rather than answering them one after another.

Click HERE for the rubric that will be used to grade your analysis.

Base XP: 120

Note: Documentaries range in length. Please include the length of time you spend actively viewing the film, as well as your time crafting a response (essay or otherwise). Include your explanation of why you need additional XP in the dropbox with your assignment HERE.