Online Writing for Social Media

Writing a Tweet Summary

Base XP: 60

Learning Target(s):

  • Respond to text in personal, creative, and critical ways

  • Express and support an opinion with evidence

This quest uses the text from A Modern Proposal

Read about the qualities of successful online writing here.


For this assignment, you will use the essay from the previous assignment (A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift), to construct a summary Tweet. Your summary must be complete, concise and compelling, using the skills and suggestions from the Online Writing for Social Media lesson you just completed.

  • Use a maximum of 280 characters per post.

  • Post for an audience of your peers to encourage them to read Swift's essay.

  • Be clear, concise and choose your language carefully.

Feel free to do further research on writing for Twitter. There is much advice available.

Submit your response here when it's ready for assessment. Let me know when it's ready to assess, as well as whether you earned additional XP :)