Don't Drink the Water

Base XP: 45

A Colonial Perspective?

This is a different spin on the importance of listening to the voices of Indigenous peoples...

Listen to this song by the Dave Matthews Band, paying particular attention to the lyrics and the perspectives and attitudes they express.

Using a technique from your Ways of Knowing & Showing Learning, discuss one or more of the following:

  • Who is the persona created in this song? If you had to describe the mindset and character, what would he be like? Can you connect this to any historical or current day personae?
  • What is the effect of the kind of thinking expressed in this song on the world/indigenous peoples? How do you know? Are there any examples you can describe/connect?
  • What is the significance of the title? How can you connect this to both the lyrics in the song and the contemporary experience of many Canadians living on Reserve where it is, in fact, dangerous to drink the water.
  • Visual analysis: how did the filmmakers behind this music video use image to support the message?
  • Something else I haven't thought of yet.... but that you're excited to communicate

Submission: When your response is ready, send me a moodle message letting me know (a) where it is, and (b) if/why you require additional XP.