The Count of Monte Cristo
Completed Unit Base XP: 800
For this novel study you will be reading The Count of Monte Cristo, watching TWO movie versions of the film, and reading a short story called "A Matter of Balance". Whew.
Topics you will explore centre around justice, morality, and revenge. You will have the chance to write a literary essay, which is a great skill for university students to have under their belts.
The entire unit can be viewed as Unit 4B in our Moodle course.
Naturally, you can adapt and modify this unit to suit your needs and desires. Please check with me when you're making those decisions, so I can help make sure you're on the right track.
Submit your assignments as you go, keeping track of the time you spend reading, taking notes, and working on assignments. Submit these times with each assignment. If your total number of XP at the end of the unit is less than 800, I will bump you up. If it is more, then of course you have earned them!