Writing Short Stories

Base XP: 180

You may want to write a short story to demonstrate your understanding of story elements rather than completing the quests in the Short Story elements section of the quest chain.

Read the Moodle Notes on the Art and Craft of writing short stories here, and watch this 3 minute video explanation.


Your short story should be 1000 - 2000 words in length. Pay special attention to the elements of a short story that are covered in the Short Story Elements quests (you may want to complete some of these to brush up):

  • point of view

  • character development

  • use of suspense

  • foreshadowing

  • flashback

  • plot development, and so on.


Add your completed story to the dropbox. You know what to do if it took longer than 180 minutes :)

  • When you submit your story to your teacher for feedback and comment, you can submit it as a draft.

  • Once you are ready to submit your story to your teacher for marking, you will need to to select Send for marking.


Click here for the rubric that will be used to assess your short story.