Analyzing Poetry

Watch this 9 minute YouTube video on how to Analyze a Poem, before reading through the Moodle notes linked below.

You will want to add some of the these suggestions to your Exam Study section in Class Notebook, as the Government Exam traditionally has you analyze, answer multiple choice questions, and write an expository paragraph about a poem.

Analyzing Poetry Notes:

PRACTICE: Analyzing a Poem

Now it's time for you to practice the skills you have learned!

  1. Click here to read the poem. It would be a good idea to print a copy so that you can refer to it when you do the multiple choice questions.

  2. REMEMBER: It is a good idea to read a poem more than once in order to understand it and be able to analyze it correctly.

  3. Try the Multiple Choice QUIZ: ''Death Over Water''

  4. Now try the Essay Question and then review the essay examples

Throughout the poem, the poet compares the relationship between the eagle and the gull to "a pair of ice dancers."

In paragraph form [approximately 125 - 150 words] and with reference to the poem, discuss the poet's use of the extended metaphor of ice dancing.

5. There are a number of things you need to bear in mind when you write an essay like this:

    • You need to know what a metaphor is (an extended metaphor is one that continues throughout a piece, NOT just in one reference).

    • The essay must be in paragraph form (the markers should be able to see AT LEAST one paragraph break in your answer.

    • You MUST make specific reference to the poem. DO NOT make references to life and people in general!

    • The references you make may be

      • explicit (direct quotation), OR

      • implicit (making comments about the poem).

    • If you quote directly you must be sure to integrate the quotations into the essay.

Review this 3 minute video about Compare/Contrast essays.

TASK: Poetry Analysis


  1. Read the following poems about relationships.

  2. In 300-400 words, with specific reference to each poem (direct quotes), CONTRAST the qualities of the relationships and describe how the relationships are different.


Upload your notes, how many XP you've earned, and your written assignment to ASSIGNMENT: Poetry Analysis


Click here for the marking guide that will be used to grade your analysis.

Note: This is EXCELLENT exam and university prep.

The Clothespin

by Rhonda Bower

Through the window I see

Her, my neighbour.

She hangs his shirt.

It thunders in the breeze.

Clasped by a clothespin

Beside her pale dress.

Side by side, they move.

The clothespin is all

That holds them


Your Hands

by Gevorg Emin

I love your hands

which hold me,

held me,

for so many years


binding me,

hands which make

me master

without mastering me,



strangling me,

lift me

the way the drowning

man is lifted,


whose cupped shells

change me

slowly slowly

into the pearl

they wanted

all the time.