Communication Expectations

Base XP: 15

Stay Connected to Get Ahead

Because this course operates differently - and we are not meeting face-to-face each day - you need to take more steps to be sure you are communicating clearly and often with me (your teacher) and others (your classmates).

Ways to Communicate in Gamified English 12:

  • Face-to-face - come find me in Room 102 during the school day, break, or lunch, or during our regularly scheduled block on days we aren't meeting

  • Email - my email is always open while I'm working, and my address is listed at the bottom of each page of this website (

  • Moodle Message - Did you know Moodle has instant messaging? Find my name in the Participants list for our course in Moodle, click on it, and send me a message. It will pop up on my screen immediately if I'm logged in, or will send your message to my email inbox if I'm offline.

  • Call me - Seriously. If you're at home or away from school and need help a.s.a.p., call the office and ask them to put you through to Room 102. The school's number is 250-847-2231.

Communication is a two-way street

You don't earn any XP unless your work is fully meeting expectations.

This means that you have to become REALLY GOOD at using the feedback I give you to make changes and resubmit your quests.

Your responsibilities are:

  • Check your email/moodle course/class notebook DAILY for returned assignments. This is where you will see if you have earned your XP or need to make changes.

  • If you don't understand my feedback, make some noise! If you aren't being a squeaky wheel, I might not notice that you're struggling. It's my job to get you through this course, but it's equally important that you stay on top of your learning and let me know when you need help.

  • Meet with me AT LEAST once a week face-to-face. I tell all my best jokes in person (oh, and I can actually help you a lot more easily speaking than writing out a bunch of red pen on a digital assignment). If you are away during our synchronous session, you MUST find me during a different block when you return to let me know how you're making out and to touch base.

  • Let me know if you're going to be away.

That's it!

Submit a brief note letting me know that you "get it", if you have any questions, and how you would prefer I communicate with you (email? face-to-face? paper airplane?) in the moodle dropbox here.

Base XP: 15

By now, you know what to do if this took you longer than 15 minutes... If you don't know, then come to 102 and ask me :)