
The workshop will feature 3 mini-courses held by senior speakers, 12 talks held by junior speakers, selected among participants, and one poster session.


Registration: Monday 17th from 8.45.

Senior talks

Kristin DeVleming 

Title: Moduli spaces of varieties

Abstract: Moduli spaces are parameter spaces for different types of geometric objects. In these lectures, I will introduce KSB(A) moduli spaces of varieties of (log) general type and K moduli spaces of Fano varieties.  We will survey KSB(A) stability and K stability in abstraction and with explicit examples.  Time permitting, we will also discuss wall-crossing for moduli spaces of pairs and several applications.

David Holmes

Title: Logarithmic and tropical intersection theory

Abstract: Many natural loci on moduli spaces of varieties are not really contained in the moduli space itself, but rather in some blowup of the moduli space (examples will be given!). Conventional intersection theory does not give many tools to describe or compute with the fundamental classes of such loci. We will explain a logarithmic/tropical approach to this problem, where blowups and cycles on them are described in terms of subdivisions of cone complexes and functions on the subdivisions. We will spend roughly the first 2/3 of the minicourse treating the toric case in some detail (I hope this part will be generally accessible). In the second half we will explain how to lift these techniques to more interesting examples, which may at some point get more technical.

Sofia Tirabassi

Title: Generic vanishing and classification problems

Abstract: The goal of this lectures series is to give an overview of the recent characterization theorem for quasi-abelian surfaces, joint with M. Mendes Lopes and R. Pardini. For the first three lectures, I will explain the technical background: logarithmic invariants, WWPB maps, semi-abelian varieties and generic vanishing. I will go in details in our proof in the last lecture.

Book of abstracts
