
The workshop will feature 3 mini-courses held by senior speakers, 12 talks held by junior speakers, selected among participants, and one poster session. The full schedule including junior talk abstracts will be published closer to the time.

We will stream the mini-courses delivered by Alastair Craw, Joaquín Moraga and Isabel Vogt.
You can follow them through Zoom.

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Meeting ID: 236 057 2027
Passcode: FDW2VZ


Senior Talks:

Title: Mori Dream Spaces and quiver GIT

Abstract: In this mini course, we'll discuss several classes of Mori Dream Spaces that arise naturally as moduli spaces of quiver representations. We'll start by constructing the Hilbert scheme of points on the affine plane as a quiver moduli space. We'll then zoom out to see how variation of geometric invariant theory quotient (VGIT) allows us to understand fully the birational geometry of Nakajima quiver varieties, leading to a clear understanding of why they are Mori Dream Spaces. 

Title: Kawamata log terminal singularities

Abstract: In this mini-course, we will introduce the concept of Kawamata log terminal singularities (klt). These singularities are a local version of Fano varieties. We will discuss several of its properties and relations with other kinds of singularities. In particular, we will review theorems related to their topology and how these singularities behave under quotients and covers.

Title: Specialization techniques in the geometry of curves

Abstract: In this minicourse, we'll discuss the rich geometry of curves in projective space that can be accessed via specialization and deformation.  Since the normal bundle and restricted tangent bundle of an embedded curve control its deformation theory, an important aspect of this story is properties of these two bundles that can be approached by embedded degeneration to reducible curves.
