Poster Session

Shafarevich-Tate Groups of Holomorphic Lagrangian Fibrations

Anna Abasheva, Columbia University

Cohomology of Moduli Stacks of Objects in 2-Calabi-Yau Categories

Sebastian Schlegel Mejia, University of Edinburgh

Higher dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds of Borcea-Voisin type

Domini Burek, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Realizability of Tropical Pluri-Canonical Divisors

Felix Röhrle, Goethe University Frankfurt

Combinatorics of the stability space of Fine compactifies Jacobians

Rhys Wells, University of Liverpool

The Derived Equivalence of the Two Mirror Constructions

Aimeric Malter, University of Birmingham

Stable Rationality of Polytopes

Simen Moe, Imperial College London

The Regularity of Projective Curves

John Cobb, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Brill-Noether theory for Kuznetsov components

Augustina Jacovskis, University of Edinburgh

K3 Surfaces with a Symplectic Automorphism of Order Four

Benedetta Piroddi, Università degli studi di Milano

Itaka Conjecture for Anticanonical Divisors in Positive Characteristics

Marta Benozzo, Univeristy College London - Imperial College London (LSGNT)

Moduli Spaces of Sheaves

Mihai Pavel, Université de Lorraine

A proof by a thousand cuts: A method to compute effective cones of blown-up spaces

Tim Grange, Loughborough University/ University of Nottingham

A calculus for monomials in Chow group of zero cycles in the moduli space of stable curves

Jiayue Qi, University of Lintz

Determinants, even instantons and Bridgeland stability

Victor do Valle Pretti, Université de Bourgogne