The content consists of seven chapters; Introduction and All About Undead (14 pages), Character Options (17 pages), Prestige Classes (16 pages), Spells (13 pages), Equipment (6 pages), New Monsters (51 pages), and Campaigns (57 pages), which are all pretty much what they say on the tin. As can be easily ascertained, this is primarily a book for new undead monsters and undead campaigns, and the review with emphasise those areas as appropriate.

For its own part, the first major chapter starts of by bringing together various definitions of the undead, and provides an excellent variant rule of 'Haunting Presences'. It also deals with the rather ambiguous issues of undead physiology and does so more as a collation rather than bringing the disparate implementations together. There is all too brief discussions on undead psychology, society, and religion although for the latter the 'Evening Glory' deity of undying love is at least interesting. The chapter concludes with various aspects of fighting undead including knowledge checks, tactics, and of course the time-honoured favourite of ability and level drains that the cold hands deal.

Libris Mortis The Book Of The Undead Pdf Download


The 'Character Options' chapter starts off with almost three score of new feats, some of which are inevitably variations on existing abilities, but are otherwise a good selection albeit with some bias toward spellcasters. There are some notes on undead in the party with the usual character classes (associated with some evocative art) and 'monster classes' for ghoul/ghast, mohrg, mummy, vampire spawn, and wight. The latter collection were not nearly as interesting as I hoped and do remind one when the game had 'demihumans' as classes.

For new spells there is a brief check of undead related spells broken down by class and domain, then almost 60 new magical incantations related to the undead and necromancy, with a handful of others. Most usefully is a clarified and expaned version of Summon Undead and of the set Ghost Form, Necrotic Cyst, and Necrotic Tumor are quite interesting. A few of the spells are apparently reprints and reworkings from the 'Book of Vile Darkness' supplement. Personally, I still carry the torch for when healing spells were considered necromantic spells.

The equipment chapter shows some creativity; there is a small selection of various alchemical substances, several positoxins, about thirty magic items, and over a dozen undead grafts. By positoxins what is meant is poisons to the undead, prepared from holy water. The undead grafts are various bodily items that are grafted to a character for supernatural powers, like a scaled down version of the various bits of Vecna of yesteryear (alas, no Head of Vecna). Perhaps useful for a villain, or the insane, having bones of the deceased grafted into your skin as a type of natural armour is not likely to see encouraged in normal civilization.

At around fifty pages and sixty pages respectively, the Monster and Campaign chapters are central, at least in page count to the supplement. The former includes almost fifty news monsters, of which about a dozen are expressed in a template format for further elaborations and additions. In terms of Challenge Rating most fall in the mid-level range (3-7) although there is a minimal number of CR4 creatures. To be honest, a graveyard collection is not something entirely inspiring, indeed it is a little lazy. Surely Dungeons and Dragons already has enough undead monsters?

Apparently not; from the Angel of Decay to the Wheep (I kid you not) a range of living dead permutations are provided. They are presented in the style typical for the game's edition, which is quite good insofar that it provides a higher level of 'monster equality'. Most however, it must be stated, are quite unimaginative, more or less variations of well-known existing undead creatures. Yet with such a range it is inevitable that are some which grab one's attention; Atropal Scions, the stillborn godlings with a death gaze, the Desiccator, an undead water elementals (alas not repeated for the other elements and presented with downright awful artwork), and various forms of Evolved Undead and Mummified Creatures. Worth noting that there are specified three different types of undead rat.

The 'Undead in the Campaign' chapter starts off with incorporatig the undead as either monster or villainous masterminds, a disappointing and imaginately limited combination. Surely consideration can be given to involuntary undead, simply mad (rather than bad) undead, besotted lovers, or even good undead who must give heed and warning. In part some of these characterisations are provided much later under the 'Ghosts' section, but it is very strange not to count them as a thematic element.

There are, confusingly, a few sample floorplans in this section which are not actually keyed to any descriptions. Following a short and largely forgettable cults section (although with more handy NPCs), the text moves into a substantive adventure sites section which does provided detailed keyed locations. With a little bit of work and elaboration these can be easily slotted into existing campaigns and can provide a session of play. A half dozen of these are provided, varying from haunted houses to organised undead groups. This is followed by a fully-fledged adventure, 'Tarus's Banquet', which has more an early modern rather than medieval feel to it. The adventure has a good pretty much follows a well-established track of activities, but with some options for alternative developments at each temporal point.

Other reviews, more contemporary of the publishing date, were very enthusiastic about this book and for good reason. Prior to publication, with the main exception of the Ravenloft supplements, undead in Dungeons & Dragons could be quite confusing with divergent presentation, powers, and capabilities. Libris Mortis provided a great deal of solutions to those issues, and as a result is necessary for anyone who is planning to use undead for this game edition, and recommended for those who are using other close game systems.

Style: 4 (Classy & Well Done)

Substance: 4 (Meaty)

Recommended product for D&D and associated games. Provides good rules clarifications, variant undead beings, and a lot of immediate actual play material.

<i>Lev Lafayette has written 183 reviews, with average style of 3.26 and average substance of 3.24 The reviewer's previous review was of All Flesh Must Be Eaten</i>.The reviewer's next review is of <b><i>Open Grave: Secrets of the Undead</i></b>.

Goto [ Index ] <i>Libris Mortis</i> is a 192 page hardcover focused on the undead in the D&D game, with a $30 price tag. Like the Draconomicon, there are portions for character building, clearly intended to broaden the appeal of the book. Nonetheless, <i>Libris Mortis</i> is most useful to DMs.


The first chapter, All About Undead, is one of the more interesting, with a discussion of the origins of Undeath, and a discussion of undead hunger and appetites. For example, some undead are afflicted with Inescapable Craving, while others can be satiated when they have consumed enough. Some undead have no need to feed on anything, and some must feed or be weakened. These details are supported by new variant rules.There are also good variant rules for haunting and exorcisms, though I would have liked to see this as a 5-10 page section with heavier detail, rather than the lone page provided. More play-applicable is a discussion of undead senses and tactics for fighting undead.

The next chapter, Character Options, includes Feats and undead "monster classes", introducing the Ghoul, Mummy, Wight, etc. Assuming one is not among the restless dead, the feats presented here are most useful in fighting/dealing with undead, and to a necromancer, with the Corpsecrafter tree. Also potentially interesting is the Tomb-Tainted Soul tree, which allows otherwise normal non-good characters to take on attributes of the undead.

Unsurprisingly, the prestige classes are either for characters dealing with undead, characters fighting undead, or characters that are undead. A couple are interesting in their ability to serve as living thralls for powerful undead. The spells are focused chiefly on Necromancy (shocking, I know), with some Conjuration, Transmutation, and Evocation. Summon Undead is revisited and clarified, as is the tumor material from Book of Vile Darkness. A few of the spells are simple 3.5 reprints from BoVD.

The equipment chapter is probably most useful in terms of universal adaptation of the material presented in this book. Rather odd are the Positoxins...preparations of Holy Water that act as poisons against undead (none of which have effects on Constitution, for obvious reasons). Undead grafts are revisited from the Fiend Folio, updated and significantly expanded. Magic items specifically for undead are also detailed.


 A Dire Maggot is not one of the more terrifying things I could imagine, but here the Dire Maggot is a predatory carnivore. I guess this is intended to make the creepiness of maggots threatening. The Skin Kite is one of the more interesting (ghastly) creatures, along with the Angel of Decay. Swarm shifter is a useful template that can easily be used to augment many more powerful undead.Of course, some creatures are less interesting, such as the Revived Fossil (basically skeletons with very high AC because they are made from stone), and the Necropolitan (a watered-down lich template). And then there is one that I think is an extraordinarily bad idea: the Half-Vampire inherited template.

Undead in the Campaign is the best section of the book. While some of it is pedestrian (gee, a graveyard as a lair?), there are also very useful sections. Running Undead Encounters focuses on combat tactics for all for the major forms of undead, taking into account intelligence as well as abilities. For example, the wight: 


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