
Main publications (Peer-Reviewed)

Do Patents Enable Disclosure? Evidence from the Invention Secrecy Act , with G. De Rassenfosse, E. Raiteri, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 92, 103-044 (2024)

International Mobility of Inventors and  Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Collapse of the Soviet Union, with G. De Rassenfosse, Economic Letters, 234,  111-450 (2024) 

Productivity gains from migration: Evidence from inventors, Pellegrino, G., Penner, O., Piguet, E., de Rassenfosse, G., Research Policy, 52, 104-631 (2023)

International Patent Protection and trade: Transaction-level evidence,  with G. De Rassenfosse, D. Moschella, M. Grazzi, European Economic Review, 147, 104-160 (2022) 

Innovation persistence and employment dynamics, with S. Bianchini, Research Policy, 48 (5) 1171-1186 (2019)

Innovation strategies and growth: New longitudinal evidence from Spanish firms, with S. Bianchini and F. Tamagni, Industrial and Corporate Change, 27 (4) 657-676 (2018)

No money, no honey? Financial versus knowledge and demand constraints on innovation, with M. Savona, Research Policy, 46 (2), 510-521 (2017)

R&D Drivers and Age: Are Young Firms Different?, with J.García-Quevedo and M. Vivarelli, Research Policy, 43, 1544-1556 (2014).

Books chapters

How do Young Innovative Companies Innovate?, with M. Piva and M. Vivarelli, in Audretsch, D.B. - Falck, O. - Heblich, S. - Lederer, A. (eds.), Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing, 403-20 (2011)