
I've worked mostly so far in incidence geometry, Euclidean Ramsey theory and extremal set theory, but am always looking for interesting new problems in other areas of combinatorics. If you think you have a problem that I might be interested in, don't hesitate to reach out!

Papers (reverse chronological):

[1] G. Currier, K. Moore, C. H. Yip, Avoiding short progressions in Euclidean Ramsey theory, preprint (2024)


[2] G. Currier, S. Shahriari, 3-cluster-free families of subspaces, preprint (2024)


[3] G. Currier, K. Moore, C. H. Yip, Any two-coloring of the plane contains monochromatic 3-term arithmetic progressions, preprint (2024)


[4] G. Currier, Sharp Szemerédi-Trotter constructions from aribitrary number fields, preprint (2023)


[5] G. Currier, J. Solymosi, E. P. White, Additive structure in convex translates, European Journal of Combinatorics 118,  (2024)

Arxiv Journal

[6] G. Currier, New results on simplex-clusters in set systems, Combinatorica 41,  495-506 (2021)

Arxiv Journal 

[7] G. Currier, On the d-cluster generalization of Erdős-Ko-Rado, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A. 182 (2021)

Arxiv Journal

[8] P. Burkhardt, A. Z.-Y. Chan, G. Currier, S. R. Garcia, F. Luca, H. Suh, Visual properties of generalized Kloosterman sums, J. Number Theory 160, 237-253 (2016)

Arxiv Journal