

Small Firms and the Pandemic: Evidence From Latin America (with Guerrero, M.E.; Humphries, J.E.; Neilson, C.; Shimberg, N.). Journal of Development Economics, Volume 155, March 2022.

Enforcement of Labor Regulation and the Labor Market Effects of Trade: Evidence from Brazil (with Ponczek, V.), The Economic Journal, Volume 132, Issue 641, January 2022.

Information Frictions and Access to the Paycheck Protection Program (with Humphries, J.E. and Neilson, C.). Journal of Public Economics, vol. 190, October 2020.  

Informality: Causes and Consequences for Development. Annual Review of Economics, vol. 12, 2020.

Firms, Informality and Development: Theory and Evidence from Brazil. The American Economic Review, vol. 108, No. 8, August 2018 (Lead Article).

Do Lower Taxes Reduce Informality? Evidence from Brazil (with Rocha, R. and Rachter, L.). Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 134, pp. 28-49, September 2018.

Economic Shocks and Crime: Evidence From The Brazilian Trade Liberalization (with Dix- Carneiro, R. and Soares, R.R.). The American Economic Journal: Applied, 10, no. 4, pp. 158-95, 2018.

Regulation of entry, labor market institutions and the informal sector. Journal of Development Economics, vol. 91(1), pages 87-99, 2010.

Working Papers 

Rural Migrants and Urban Informality: Evidence from Brazil (with Clement Imbert). May, 2024 (Resubmitted to Econometrica)

Unpacking Neighborhood Effects: Experimental evidence from a large scale housing program in Brazil (with Doria, C. A.  and Gonzaga, G.). May, 2023. Available as IZA DP. (submitted)

Trade and Domestic Distortions: The Case of Informality (with Dix-Carneiro, R.; Goldberg, P.; and Meghir, C.). February, 2024. (Resubmitted to Econometrica).

 This is a significantly revised version of "Trade and Informality in the Presence of Labor Market Frictions and Regulations".

[Supplementary Material]. National Science Foundation Award #1629124 

Selected Work in Progress

Firms, Informality and the Labor Market Effects of Mass Migration: Evidence from Syrian Refugees in Turkey (with Loayza, N. and Utsumi, T.). [Draft coming soon!]