Exam Schedule

Ontario final examinations are held towards the end of January for Semester 1 and towards the end of June for Semester 2. International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme examinations take place in May of each year. Grade 11 students sit for two Standard Level examinations. Grade 12 students write 4 examinations (Standard Level French B and 3 Higher Level subjects).

The May 2021 examination period for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) at the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) has been cancelled. The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) has notified the school that we will now be placed on a non-examination route.

Students will be awarded grades using their internal coursework marks and teacher submitted predicted grades. All IA coursework will be marked by IBO trained examiners to ensure that marks meet global standards and have a high degree of reliability. To strengthen the accuracy of our teacher assessed predicted grades, the IBO will give our school individualized guidance to follow. Student IA coursework and teacher submitted predicted grades will be uploaded to the IBO on or before April 20, 2021.

All topics previously scheduled for IB supplementary instruction will be taught and evaluated throughout Quadmester-4 and will be used to inform the Ontario Final Report Card mark in June. More information on course structure and course expectations will be given to students by their teachers in Quadmester-4.

Calculator Policy

Restrictions on the use of certain technology are in place to discourage malpractice and maintain fair and reasonable access to technology that is generally required in the good practice of teaching and assessment.

  • Telephones, pagers, calculator-watches, personal computers (PCs) and personal data assistants (PDAs) are not allowed in any subject examinations.

  • Only the manufacturer’s operating system may be used.

  • Computer algebra systems (CAS)-equipped calculators (symbolic manipulation, whether in-built or programmed) are not allowed in any subject examinations.

  • Calculators with wireless/infrared communication are not allowed in any subject examinations.

  • Examination questions must not be stored in, or recorded into, the memory of a calculator.

  • Peripheral hardware must not be taken into the examination room (for example, keyboards, link cables and so on).

  • Calculators must not be shared or exchanged during examinations.

  • Calculator manuals must not be taken into the examination room.

  • More than one calculator per candidate may be brought into the examination room. However, a spare set of batteries is a preferable alternative to several calculators.

Calculators guidance for examinations booklet 2020

Academic Conduct

The following actions are examples of misconduct relating to the written examinations:

  • stealing examination papers

  • failing to obey the instructions of the coordinator/invigilator

  • communicating with another candidate

  • helping or receiving help from another candidate

  • impersonating another candidate

  • possession of unauthorized material

  • consulting material outside the examination room during a period of absence

  • behaving in a way that may disrupt the examination or distract other candidates

  • submitting work for assessment that is not authentic

  • removing or attempting to remove from the examination room examination material, such as answer booklets or examination papers

  • leaving the examination room without permission

  • continuing to answer an examination paper when told to stop by an invigilator or the coordinator

  • discussing the content of any examination paper with any person outside their immediate cohort within 24 hours after an examination ending

  • attempting to either gain or solicit information about the content of an examination within 24 hours of the examination ending.

Conduct of examinations booklet 2021

Request for Results