The Future of Food Symposium

The Future of Food Symposium is a series of conference events that have brought together academics, practitioners and citizens working across a number of food issues to share, discuss and debate the future of food.

Three events have been held to date, with a 2024 event taking place on the 20th and 21st of May. More information can be found here

The Future of Food Symposium is organised by academics at Coventry University, the University of Essex and the University of Nottingham, partnering with different practitioner organisations for each iteration of the symposium. More information can be found on the committee page.

The 2023 Future of Food Symposium Summary Report is now available!

Future of Food Symposium 2023 Report FINAL V3.pdf

Following the success of the 2023 Future of Food Symposium event, on the 1st of November 2023 an online event was held to continue discussions between researchers and practitioners working in the area of food insecurity. A video of the event can be viewed below. More information about the event can be found here

Future of Food Symposium Autumn event.mp4