The Future of Food Symposium 2023: Examining food as a vehicle for societal change

On the 24th and 25th of May 2023, the third The Future of Food Symposium took place at the Coventry University Technology Centre, UK. 

The event focused on the food insecure position of households across the UK and the organisations supporting them. From food provisioning services, to the capturing and distribution of surpluses, to the guidance and help offered to improve food knowledge and nutrition, and the work of those offering alternative means of producing and accessing food, this event provided a space to share, reflect and progress in moving towards a more sustainable food system for all. This event recognised that food is an important medium through which the life prospects of the most vulnerable groups in society can be furthered. These organisations are at the centre of critical work in not only alleviating food insecurity but providing training and social experiences as well as encouraging and showcasing more sustainable community food practices. 

The conference programme can be accessed HERE

The symposium report can be viewed below:

Future of Food Symposium 2023 Report FINAL V3.pdf

The video of the food initiative from Newark College can be view below:

Food Symposium.mp4