Functional Genomics Lab

Dissecting the functional potential of genomes 

Our group develops and deploys omics technologies to measure Biological phenomena with High Resolution (single cell), High Precision (Isoforms), and High throughput (100s-1,000,000 samples simultaneously). We apply Big Data algorithms on the generated data to dissect the biological complexity in the context of Evolution and Disease.

Currently hiring Postdocs ( NPDF, DBT-RA), PhDs (GATE, NET, JRF) , MS(Research) Students (GATE qualified) and Long-term Interns (12m+). 

Drop a mail with subject "App-Degree-Position-FirstName-Interest" along with a description of interest and your CV to
For example: if you are Mr. Virat Kohli seeking a PhD to work on Covid-19, email subject should be "App-B.E.CompScience-MSR-Virat-Covid19"      

Current Research Areas

Mapping functional consequences of Genetic Diversity in India

Cellular heterogeneity in
Host-Pathogen interaction 

Molecular dissection of Cancer persistence and Immunotherapy

Custom Genomics solutions for
Low-cost point-of-care Diagnostics 

Fresh off the press 

Completion of Sequencing of 10,000 Genomes of Indian Population (February 27, 2024) 
GenomeIndia, a national Pan-India initiative by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), focussed on whole genome sequencing of representative populations across India — crucial in mapping the vast genetic blueprint of India from healthy individuals. Our lab is excited to contribute towards de novo assembly of the mitochondrial genome for generating the first Indian mitochondrial genome reference. A majority of this work, was executed by Mr. Nirmal Singh Mahar, a PhD student in the lab, in collaboration with Prof. Sundar at IIT Delhi and Prof. Shweta Ramdass at the Centre for Brain Research, Indian Institute of Science.  

Amit Subudhi  et al 2023. Nature Microbiology
Extending our work on the first scRNA-Seq dataset from India
Juwayria  et al 2024, npj  Systems  Biology and Applications
Nirmal Singh Mahar  et al 2024, MRA  Announcements
First reference quality assemblies of 3 C. auris clade strains  

Highlights of past work 

Dissecting the mechanism of gene expression homeostasis in yeast 

First protocol for single-cell sequencing that captures the entire transcript (isoform) 

Machine Learning to understand genetic and non-genetic factors in disease  

How to reach us:

Department of Biochemical Engineering and BiotechnologyBlock I, Indian Institute of Technology DelhiHauz Khas, New Delhi 110 016Tel: +91-11-26591008

Follow our work on:

Twitter @FungeLab