Skip the Depot- App

Team Support: Skip the Depot

We are thrilled to be working with an amazing program in Calgary called Skip The Depot. How this works, is your friends/family/neighbours can use an app to schedule a bottle pick up ANYTIME THEY HAVE AT LEAST 1 LARGE GARBAGE BAG/ 150+ BOTTLES FOR PICK UP. At no cost to them, the bottles will be picked up, and the Canoe Club will earn 70% profit. This is a completely passive fundraiser for us, as no direct effort aside from spreading the word is required from our members.

HOW: Share our referral link EVERYWHERE YOU CAN!

We also plan to drop off door hangers in communities at the same time as we are doing bottle drives. For this reason we plan to move around with our bottle drives so over time more and more people become aware of this cool service, and help support out club.

PROFIT: 70% for passive fundraising sounds fantastic to us. After we complete a number of tasks with the organization, we may be approved to earn a higher percentage, and appear on their featured fundraiser list which can get us even more supporters. Exciting! Remember, raising money for the club helps keep our individual costs down, and keep the club functioning as a top training club.