
Our club has signed up for FlipGive, and you can register to support your specific child with this app, and recruit all your friends and family to do the same. This unique fundraiser will raise funds that directly offset the costs for YOUR ATHLETE.

The funds add up very slowly- but over time they can make a huge impact (3 of your fundraising committee members raised $50 in 3 days! Easy!).

Note: if you make a purchase (of a gift card or by online shopping) within 2 weeks of signing up, FlipGive will add an extra $5 to your collected funds. So far I’ve been using the Safeway/IGA gift cards (gives 2%) for my shopping, the Starbucks cards, and Indigo (which gives 4%!!). It is at no cost to you, but it is an extra step- a small hassle. We think it’s worth it.

Our Team Join Code is N66W45

Use this link to sign up! https://flipgive.app.link/teams/join?joincode=N66W45