In the same year, Westphalen et al. (21) conducteda study involving 250 general dentists in order to findthe degree of knowledge regarding the treatment ofdental avulsion. The results showed that the level ofknowledge on the subject was sufficient; and that inrelation to dental splints 73% of respondents usedsemi-rigid splint with nylon, 10% steel wire and 10%use restorative material. Regarding the amount oftime, 36% use for 15 days, 38% for 3 days, 24% for60 days, only 2% would use for 24 hours. Only 7%said they did not use any kind of splint, and could notexplain their decision; only one respondent justifiedthe decision of not placing the splint in case of asatisfactory stability after replantation of the tooth,but not mentioned which type of splint it would useif necessary.

In 2014, Sardana et al. (30) performed areplantation of avulsed maxillary central incisorwith 15-hours extra-oral time. A 3-year follow-upwas made in order to observe the consequences ofdelayed replantation. As expected, ankylosis andinflammatory resorption did happened, but clinicallythe tooth was asymptomatic. In addition, the authorsconcluded that it is very important perform a delayedreplantation even after prolonged extra-oral timebecause it maintains the esthetics of the individual.It also works as a good alternative to prosthesis(implant or fixed partial denture) till the growth iscompleted due to preservation of the alveolar boneand psychological benefit to the patient.In 2015, Nagata et al. (31) described a caseinvolving an immature maxillary left lateral incisorthat was replanted and successfully treated with pulprevascularization technique. The same approach wasalso described by Lucisano at al. in the follow yearto manage a similar case (32): in both cases a 8-year old boy had his teeth replanted after 30min and 1day of avulsion, respectively. Besides dental splint,revascularization therapy was performed by irrigatingthe root canal and applying a calcium hydroxide pasteand 2% chlorhexidine gel for 21 days. After that, thecanal was cleaned and a blood clot was stimulated upto the cervical third of the root canal. Mineral trioxideaggregate (MTA) was placed at the entrance of theroot canal and the crown was restored. In both cases,it was possible to notice periapical repair and apicalclosure (31, 32).

Fundamentos De Traumatismo Dental Pdf Download

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External cervical resorption is caused, almost exclusively, by dental trauma - especially those characterized by concussion - and is a dental disease to be diagnosed and treated accurately by endodontists. However, the vast majority of the cases is initially diagnosed by an orthodontist, due to the imaging possibilities in standardized documentations. Among the causes of external cervical resorption, it is common to mistakenly attribute it to orthodontic treatment, traumatic occlusion or even to chronic inflammatory periodontal disease. External cervical resorption is associated to dental trauma in several situations mentioned in this paper. In old cases, and eventually still nowadays, it may have been induced by internal tooth bleaching, which is increasingly less frequent in endodontically treated teeth. There are some tips to be followed and some care that must be taken during the diagnosis and treatment of external cervical resorption clinical cases. The present study lists foundations that will allow the professional to perform safely and accurately in each specific case. Some of these tips and care measures are of orthodontic nature.

Dental trauma is an unexpected, accidental event and requires immediate emergency attention. There are several etiological factors and almost any collision between the face and an object can result in a dental trauma. Objective: The objective of this study is to report a case of dento-alveolar trauma and its dental management, promoting the patient's well-being, restoring health, function and aesthetics. Case report: A 20-year-old male patient came to the dental clinic of CEUNI - FAMETRO complaining of dissatisfaction with his broken tooth after a sports collision. Intraoral clinical examination revealed a large coronary loss below the gingival level in element 15, leaving only the buccal and lingual faces. In the initial radiographic examination, it was verified the presence of an endodontic treatment already performed, but endodontic retreatment was necessary, due to exposure and contamination of the filling material. The treatment plan proposed to the patient consisted of rehabilitation with an intraradicular retainer and then the cementation of a ceramic crown. Conclusion: The study concluded that the rehabilitation with the use of an intraradicular retainer, the fiberglass pin and the metal-free ceramic crown also obtained good results. Thus, it was observed that these materials were able to return the functionality of the tooth, oral health and aesthetics with a natural aspect to the element, the patient reported that he was very satisfied with the final result of his treatment.

el grupo de edad ms afectado result el de ocho a 11 aos de edad con un discreto predominio del sexo masculino. En el comportamiento del traumatismo dentario anterior segn la severidad de la lesin predomin la infractura del esmalte, con nueve pacientes.

among all the illnesses affecting the buccal complex we can find the dental traumas, they are alterations caused by extrinsic and intrinsic factors that make difficult the normal functioning of it. Objective: to evaluate the behavior of the traumatism in the anterior sector in patient from eight to 18 years of age.

the most affected age group was the one from eight to 11 years of age, with a discreet prevalence of the masculine sex. In the behavior of the dental anterior traumatism according to the severity of the lesion the in-fracture of the enamel prevailed with nine patients.

Los daos causados por el trauma son variados y pueden llevar a la prdida temprana de los dientes, as como a mayores problemas oclusales si no se manejan adecuadamente. Entre los lugares con mayor probabilidad de sufrir traumatismos dentales, el entorno escolar destaca como el ms afectado, siendo los dientes deciduos y los tejidos blandos adyacentes a los elementos dentales los ms afectados. La mejor forma de prevenir el traumatismo dental es informar a los responsables y profesores sobre la mejor conducta a seguir frente a los diferentes tipos de trauma dental (COSTA, 2014).

FLORES, Marie Therese et al. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. I. Fractures and luxations of permanent teeth. Endodontic Topics, v. 14, ed. 1, p. 102-110, 2018.

MALMGREN, Barbro et al. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: 3. Injuries in the primary dentition. Dental Traumatology, v. 28, ed. 3, p. 174-182, 2021.

MARINHO, Clarisse da Silva et al. Impacto do traumatismo dentrio na qualidade de vida de crianas, adolescentes e suas famlias: reviso crtica da literatura. Arquivos em Odontologia, v. 55, 2019.

SILVA, Yuri Cssio de Lima et al. Epidemiologia e tratamento do traumatismo dentoalveolar em crianas e adolescentes: uma reviso da literatura. Brazilian Journal of Development, v. 6, ed. 7, p. 43814-43822, 2020.

TRAEBERT, Jefferson; CLAUDINO, Dikson. Epidemiologia do traumatismo dentrio em crianas: a produo cientfica brasileira. Pesquisa brasileira em odontopediatria e clnica integrada, v. 12, ed. 2, p. 263-272, 2018.

De entre las urgencias en odontopediatra son los traumatismos dentales los que generan mayor impacto psicolgico y emocional en los padres. Por ello, se debe transmitir confianza antes, durante y despus del manejo clnico de su hijo.

El traumatismo dental es un claro ejemplo de por qu es importante la Odontologa para Bebs, ya que un beb que conoce la atencin odontolgica ser ms receptivo con el ambiente y los procedimientos a seguir que un beb que se sienta por primera vez en un silln dental.

Flores MT, Andersson L, Andreasen JO, Bakland LK, Malmgren B, Barnett F, et al. Guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries. II. Avulsion of permanent teeth. Dental Traumatology. 2007;23:130-36.

ABSTRACT. Background: Laser technology usage is increasing in dentistry. In order to take adequate decisions about characteristics and use, it is important to know the physical and biological foundations of laser and its interaction with oral tissues. Objective: To analyze the physical and biological foundations of laser in dentistry. Methods: A narrative review of literature published between 1990 and 2016 and included in Medline was carried out. The sample consisted of 30 articles. Analysis of literature was performed through a hermeneutical approach Results: Physical foundations of laser analyzed include light, amplification, stimulated emission, and radiation. Biological effects studied are photothermal, photochemical, and photoacoustic. In addition, optical properties of oral tissues are described: absorption, penetration, and extinction length. Conclusion: Not all lasers act the same way and the same wave length can interact differently with tissues. Several studies show evidence of the effectiveness of laser in several dental specialties and open the possibility for several lines of research.

Biondi AM, Cortese SG, Ortolani AM. Traumatismos en dientes primarios y permanentes. En: Biondi AM, Cortese SG. Odontopediatra, fundamentos y prcticas para la atencin integral personalizada. 2da ed. Buenos Aires: Corpus; 2018. p 247-266.

Levin L, Day PF, Hicks L, O'Connell A, Fouad AF, Bourguignon C, Abbott PV. International Association of Dental Traumatology guidelines for the management of traumatic dental injuries: General introduction. Dent Traumatol. 2020 Aug;36(4):309-313. doi: 10.1111/edt.12574. Epub 2020 Jun 22. PMID: 32472740. 2351a5e196

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