
Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics

The Standard Model (SM) of strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions has been successful in explain almost all the phenomenology of the high energy physics. However, it is not the ultimate theory because there are some issues that the SM does not provide an explanation. For instance, we can mention the discovery of neutrino oscillations and the fact that baryonic matter only contributes a few percent to the energy density of the Universe as two experimental evidences calling for physics beyond the SM. On the theoretical side, the apparent absence of CP violation in the QCD sector is also a strong motivation for going beyond the SM. Therefore, many theoretical ideas about the nature of the physics at the TeV scale have been proposed, examples include: supersymmetry, extra dimensions of space and new strong interactions. 

The research of the Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology group at UFMG spans the areas of:

Particle cosmology and gravitational waves from the early Universe

The recent detections of gravitational waves have opened a new avenue for probing physics beyond the Standard Model. Many SM extensions predict the existence of first order cosmological phase transitions, proceeding through bubble nucleation and percolation which could act as a source of a stochastic gravitational wave background. The detection of these waves could be used as complementary tests to colliders and particle detectors, and for this purpose a reasonably accurate prediction of the spectrum is needed from the theoretical side.

In this area, our research focuses on:

Recent Papers