2024/11/26-27 * Presentation
The 14th international symposium on photonics and electronics convergence (ISPEC 2024) was held at Science Tokyo.
Prof. Fujisawa, gave a gave a presentation.2024/9/12 * Awards
Prof.Fujisawa was awarded Outstanding Professor in Smart Factory Award, 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM Society International, September, 2024.
2024/9/10-12 * Presentation
5th Asia Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management was held at Waseda University.
Prof. Fujisawa, gave a gave a presentation.
2024/8/12-8/16 * Presentation
The 8th NUS-ISM-ZIB-IIR-MODAL Workshop Next Generation Computing and Algorithms in the Digital Era was held at National University of Singapore (Singapore). Prof. Fujisawa, Specially Appointed Assistant Prof. Hiroki Ishikura, Makoto Tsukamoto (D3) and Keiishiro Yamamura (D2) gave a talk.
2024/7/17 *A paper accepted to the Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Akihiro Yoshida (D3) et al. Title: "Comprehensive and Practical Optimal Delivery Planning System for Replacing Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders"
2024/6/14 *A paper accepted to The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24)
Keiichiro Yamamura (D2), Prof. Katsuki Fujisawa, et al. Title: "Doubling Graph Traversal Efficiency to 198 TeraTEPS on the Supercomputer Fugaku"2024/5/27 *A paper accepted to Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR)
Keiichiro Yamamura (D2) et al. Title: "Appropriate Balance of Diversification and Intensification Improves Performance and Efficiency of Adversarial Attacks"2024/4/3 *A paper accepted to International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI 2024)
Keiichiro Yamamura (D2) et al. Title: "Enhancing output diversity improves Conjugate Gradient-based adversarial attacks"2024/2/9 * Presentation
The Workshop titled 'Automation in the Next-Generation Semiconductor Industry: Tracking the Latest Trends from Research and Development to Mass Production, hosted by GlobalNet Co., Ltd. will be held at 主婦会館プラザエフ. Prof. Fujisawa was presented on "Mathematical and Information Technologies for Achieving Digital Twin: Introduction to the Smart Factory Construction Project"2024/2/2 * Presentation
The workshop 'Mobility and Mathematics' will be held at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Kyoto University. Prof. Fujisawa will be presented on "Mobility Optimization for Achieving Digital Twin and Industrial Applications.".
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