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Nariaki Tateiwa(D3)Title:”CMAP-LAP: Configurable Massively Parallel Solver for Lattice Problems”.

 Akira Tanaka (D3) received the Student Paper Award, コンピュータセキュリティシンポジウム2021 (CSS2021)

Title: "Proposing a Genetic Algorithm Approach for Unveiling Fingerprint of Internet-Wide Scanner".

Prof.Fujisawa’s one of the collaborative research groups RIKEN Center for Computational Science, announced that “Supercomputer Fugaku takes first place in the Graph 500 for the three consecutive terms - A research paper on the algorithm and experimental results at Supercomputer Fugaku was presented at ISC21” on July 5, 2021.

RIKEN Center for Computational Science (2021/7/5)

News (2021/7/5)

Professor Fujisawa's research team achieved 1st place at the top of the high-performance computing world in the Graph 500

benchmark using the supercomputer “Fugaku” for the third consecutive term.

RIKEN news (2021/6/29)

Fujitsu Limited(2021/6/28)

Graph500 Webpage

 AIST President Award 2020 of Special Contribution has been received. Prof. Fujisawa and AIST researchers were given the prize of AIST President Award as “The operation of the open innovation platform ABCI that anyone can use”.

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