

Toshinori Fujie is Associate Professor of the School of Life Science and Technology at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), Japan. He received his PhD (Engineering) in 2009 from the Department of Life Science and Medical Bioscience, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University. 

He spent postdoctoral periods at the Italian Institute of Technology (2010-12) and Tohoku University (2012-13). 

In 2013, he joined the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University as Assistant Professor. In 2016, he moved to the Waseda Institute for Advanced Study (WIAS) and promoted to Associate Professor in 2018. He also served as a PRESTO researcher in the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) (2015-2019).  

From November 2018, he moved to the current institute as a tenure-track Associate Professor (Lecturer) in the framework of Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) by MEXT. 

In June 2021, he was promoted to Associate Professor. He is also a member of Research Center for Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat), Institute of Innovative Research (IIR), TokyoTech. He concurrently serves as a Visiting Researcher at RIKEN and Waseda University. He is a founder of f-Tech Co. Ltd., a spin-off company from TokyoTech since 2021.

His research interests are dedicated to the development of nano/micro technologies for diagnostics and therapeutics in the treatment of intractable diseases by utilizing polymeric materials, molecular assembly, tissue engineering, bioelectronics and bio-inspired/mimetic engineering.

Grants (Representative)

[1]    医療機器等における先進的研究開発・開発体制強靭化事業 (基盤技術開発プロジェクト), AMED, JapanStudy of diagnosis and treatment device for refractory epilepsy using flexible, thin neural electrodes and wireless power technologyフレキシブル薄膜電極およびワイヤレス給電を活用した難治てんかん診断治療一体型デバイスに関する研究開発)” (2022-2025) (P.I.).

[2]   創発的研究支援事業, JST, Japan「バイオインテグレーション工学によるデジタル生体制御」(2021-2024) (P.I.).

[3]    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), MEXT, Japan 「健康情報のデジタルトランスフォーメーション化に向けた生体貼付型デバイスの開発」(2021-2025) (P.I.).

[4]    官民による若手研究者発掘支援事業(社会実装目的型の医療機器創出支援プロジェクト), AMED, Japan “Development of flexible, thin neural electrodes for theranostic management of epilepsy(てんかん診断治療用フレキシブル薄膜電極に関する研究開発 )” (2020-2022) (P.I.).

[5]    Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER), MEXT, JapanNano-Biodevice Based on Dimensional Control for Innovative Theranostics (次元制御に基づくナノバイオデバイスの創製と革新的診断・治療技術の開発 )” (2018-2023) (P.I.).

[6]    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), MEXT, Japan “Development of Nanosheet-Based Wireless Probes for Multi-Simultaneous Monitoring of Action Potentials and Neurotransmitters(神経活動電位・伝達物質を多重同時計測可能なナノ薄膜状ワイヤレスプローブの創製)” (2018-2021) (P.I.).

[7]    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, MEXT, Japan “Injectable, Developable and Operatable Nanosheet-Antenna in a Living Body(生体内に注射針にて注入・展開・作動可能なナノ薄膜状アンテナの開発)” (2017-2020) (P.I.).

[8]    The Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO), JST, Japan “Integration of Nanoelectronics into the Transplantable Bioengineered Tissue(移植用培養生体組織に搭載可能なナノエレクトロニクスの創成)” (2015-2019) (P.I.).

[9]    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A), MEXT, Japan “Integration of Polymer Nanosheet and Bioelectronics for the Development of Bio-Monitoring and Controlling Technology(高分子ナノ薄膜とバイオエレクトロニクスの融合による生体計測・制御技術の創製)” (2015-2018) (P.I.).

[10]    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), MEXT, Japan “Development of Cell Delivery Carrier Consisting of Free-standing Polymer Nanosheets(自己支持性高分子ナノ薄膜からなる革新的細胞デリバリー担体の創製)” (2013 -2015) (P.I.).

Awards (Representative)

[1]    The Award of Ohsumi Life Science Research Society for Young Scientist 2022; Ohsumi Life Science Research Society (2022.12.).

[2]    Bioindustry Research Award 2020; Japan Bioindustry Association (2020.7.).

[3]    Journal of Materials Chemistry B Emerging Investigators 2020 (Royal Society of Chemistry Journal: Journal of Materials Chemistry B) (2020.6.). 

[4]    Waseda Research Award (High-Impact Publication); Waseda University (2019.2.).

[5]    Biomaterials Science Emerging Investigators 2019 (Royal Society of Chemistry Journal: Biomaterials Science) (2019.1.).

[6]    The Young Scientists’ Prize for the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan (2018.4.).

[7]    The Award for Young Investigator of Japanese Society for Biomaterials (2017); Japanese Society for Biomaterials (2017.11).

[8]    The Young Scientist Lecture Award (The 61st annual Kobe Polymer Research Symposium, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, Kansai Regional Chapter) (2015.7.).

[9]    Award for Encouragement of Research in Polymer Science; The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2015)  (2015.5.).

[10]    The 28th Lectureship Award of Young Generation Special Forum (The 94th Annual Meeting, The Chemical Society of Japan) (2014.3.).

See also:…/ja/weekly-weakly-sign…/nanosheet