Research Center for Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat)

Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)

Tokyo Institute of Technology

Welcome to ASMat!

The Research Center for Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat) is aiming at exploring a new research field by integrating five disciplines: chemistry, materials science, life science, robotics, and information science. We intend to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through the creation of resilient materials and systems that can harmonize with people and the environment. 

自律システム材料学研究センターは、化学、材料科学、生命科学、ロボティクス、情報科学の5分野融合によって、新しい材料学、自律システム材料学Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat))を確立することを目指しています。私たちは、人や環境と調和するレジリエントなマテリアルやシステムの創製を通じて持続可能社会の実現に貢献していきます。

What's New

 Latest News!


We held 15th IIR-ASMat seminar on Aug 5th.

15th IIR-ASMat seminar

 Date and time:Aug 5th 13:30~15:00

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. B26F, Room 624

 Speaker:Dr. Michael Jones (CEO, Cell Guidance Systems) 

 Title:Polyhedrin protein microparticles: In vivo applications and therapeutic potential

 Hosted by Prof. Takafumi Ueno

 *Please check the flyer for details!

Latest News!


We held 14th IIR-ASMat seminar on Aug 2nd.

14th IIR-ASMat seminar

 Date and time:Aug 2nd 15:00~16:30

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Prof. Sungjune Park (Sungkyunkwan University)

     Title:Soft, Stretchable and Shape-Reconfigurable Electronics Using Liquid Metals

 Hosted by Assoc. Prof. Toshinori Fujie

 *Please check the flyer for details!


716日,第13IIR-ASMat seminarを開催します。

13th IIR-ASMat seminar

 日時:7月16日 13:30〜15:30頃まで

 場所:すずかけ台キャンパスG3棟5階セミナー室 (502号室)


     山田雄平さん (ASMat特任助教)   “BZゲルの数理と体内時計研究への展開”

     助川 太朗さん (工学院・前田真吾研M2)  “自励振動ゲル同士の機械的相互作用が生み出す同期現象の理論解析”

 ※講演終了後 G3棟6階 610実験室にて BZゲルの体積振動と時空間パターンのデモ実験見学を予定しています。


Latest News!


Prof. Takafumi Ueno published a paper in Nat. Commun.

Click here for the press release article on Tokyo Tech News!




場所:すずかけ台キャンパス 大学会館 (ずずかけホール) 3F 多目的ホール



Latest News!



Prof. Takafumi Ueno published a paper in PNAS.

Click here for the press release article on Tokyo Tech News!


    Prof. Masahiro Takinoue published a paper in ACS Nano.

    【2024.06.10】Click here for the press release article on Tokyo Tech News!


We held 12th IIR-ASMat seminar on Jun 4th.

12th IIR-ASMat seminar

 Date and time:Jun 4th 15:30~17:00

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Prof. Pinaki Talukdar (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune) 

 Title:Crafting Small Molecule-Based Engineered Channels for Selective and Regulated Ion Transport and Targeting Diseases

 Hosted by Prof. Kazushi Kinbara

 *Please check the flyer for details!



 福島センター長が共同研究を進めてこられたMichael Zharnikov先生の来日に合わせて、



 場所:すずかけ台キャンパスR1棟2階 第1会議室

 講演者:Prof. Michael Zharnikov(Applied Physical Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany)

 題目:"Design of Functional Molecular Systems in Context of Molecular Electronics" 



Prof. Masaki Azuma and Asst. Prof. Shigematsu published a paper in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (selected as Supplementary Cover).

Click here for the press release article on Tokyo Tech News!


We held 11th IIR ASMat seminar on Apr 4th.

11th IIR ASMat seminar

Japan-UK International Workshop on Bottom-up Engineering Biology

 Date and time:Apr 4th 10:00~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Suzukake Hall 2F Meeting Room 1

 Hosted by Prof. Masahiro Takinoue

 *Please check the flyer for details!


On April 1, 2024, Research Center for Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat) was launched! 



We held 10th IRFI LiSM seminar on Mar 19th.

10th IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:Mar 19th 15:00~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Dr. Siowling Soh (National University of Singapore) 

 Title:Functional Polymers and Polymeric Interfaces for Developing Smart Autonomous Self-Powered Systems

 Hosted by Assoc. Prof. Toshinori Fujie

 *Please check the flyer for details!


3月14日,第9回IRFI LiSM seminarを開催します。

9th IRFI LiSM seminar

 日時:3月14日 14:30〜17:15

 場所:すずかけ台キャンパスG3棟5階セミナー室 (502号室)


    冨田 峻介 先生 (産業技術総合研究所 健康医工学研究部門)


    福山 真央 先生 (東北大学 多元物質科学研究所)



朝日新聞の連載記事「学びの扉」において、「やわらか発想 ぐにゃぐにゃロボット」と題したソフトロボティクスの特集記事が組まれました。記事中で鈴森教授と前田教授の研究が紹介されました(朝日新聞 1月19日朝刊23ページ (東京本社))。


We held 8th IRFI LiSM seminar on Dec 18th.

8th IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:December 18th 16:00~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Dr. Haruki Hasegawa (Amgen Inc.) 

 Title:Spontaneous crystallization of multiple proteins in a cell: How many different protein crystals can we induce simultaneously?

 Hosted by Prof. Takafumi Ueno

 *Please check the flyer for details!


12月6日,第7回IRFI LiSM seminarを開催します。

7th IRFI LiSM seminar

 日時:12月6日 15:00〜

 場所:すずかけ台キャンパスG3棟5階セミナー室 (502号室)


    佐野 航季 先生 (信州大学 繊維学部 化学・材料学科)

    内橋 貴之 先生 (名古屋大学大学院 理学研究科 物理科学領域)



We held 6th IRFI LiSM seminar on Nov 24th.

6th IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:November 24th 13:30~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Dr. Paola Laurino (Okinawa Inst. of Sci. & Tech. Graduate Univ.) 

 Title:Membraneless active droplets mimic features of living systems

 Hosted by Prof. Takafumi Ueno

 *Please check the flyer for details!


朝日新聞の連載記事「明日へのLesson・第4週」で,「流行と正反対、曲げて広げた新分野」と題した鈴森教授の特集記事が組まれました(朝日新聞 11月23日朝刊29ページ (東京本社))。





We held 5th IRFI LiSM seminar on Aug 23th.

5th IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:August 23th 16:00~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Dr. Mehdi D. Davari (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry) 

 Title:Leveraging Computational Approaches for Innovations in Protein Engineering and Enzyme Design

 Hosted by Prof. Takafumi Ueno


We held the international workshop on August 8th.

IRFI-LiSM international workshop at the interface of materials and biomolecules

 Date and time:August 8 (Tue), 2023

 Venue:Lecture Hall of S8 bld (Suzukakedai Campus)

 Invited speakers:Prof. Lorenzo Di Michele, Dr. James W. Hindley

 Hosted by Prof. Takinoue, Prof. Kinbara, Prof. Ueno


We held the international symposium on August 5th-6th.

International Symposium on Living Systems Materialogy

 Date and time:August 5 (Sat) - August 6 (Sun), 2023

 Venue:Suzukake Hall (Suzukakedai Campus, H-2 Building 3F)

 Invited speakers:

  Herbert Shea (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

  Zhexin Xie (National University of Singapore)

  Stefan Matile (University of Geneva)

  Gwenael Rapenne (Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier)

  David A. Leigh (University of Manchester)(online)

  Yannick Geiger (University of Groningen)

  Cole A. DeForest (University of Washington)

  Lorenzo Di Michele (University of Cambridge)

  James W. Hindley (Imperial College London)

  Ryo Yoshida (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)


We held 4th IRFI LiSM seminar on July 25th.

4th IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:July 25th 16:00~

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (502)

 Speaker:Assoc. Prof. VIRGINIA PENSABENE (University of Leeds) 


 Hosted by Prof. Toshinori Fujie


We held 3rd IRFI LiSM seminar on May 9th.

3rd IRFI LiSM seminar

 Date and time:May 9th 15:00~16:00

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. G3,  5F, seminar room (hybrid)

 Speaker:Dr. Eric Brouzes (Stony Brook University) 

 Title:From single-cell analysis to digital microfluidic point-of-care: a capillary journey

 Hosted by Prof. Masahiro Takinoue


We held 2nd IRFI LiSM seminar on April 4th.

2nd IRFI LiSM seminar 

 Date and time:April 4th (Tue) 15:30~17:00

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. B2,  4F, room 426

 Speaker:Dr. Steve Roffler (Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica) 

 Title:Anti-PEG antibodies: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


We held our 1st IRFI LiSM seminar on Feb 14th.

1st IRFI LiSM seminar 

 Date and time:Feb 14th (Tue) 14:00-15:00 

 Venue:Suzukakedai Campus, Bldg. J2,  2F, room J221 (hybrid)

 Speaker:Dr. Thomas Böddeker (U Tokyo & ETH Zurich)

 Title:Physical interactions between the cytoskeleton and membraneless organelles: From wetting to flow


Dr. Yoshida was assigned to the LiSM research group!