
Here at the F Team we look after those who look after us. If your interested in sponsoring us please get in touch. 

T-Shirts / Stickers

All stickers and custom T-Shirts/hoodies are made by the lovely Little Cubs Crew. Check out their INSTA on how to get in contact

Amazing premade stickers, F Team merch, custom stickers, custom shirts. 

Big Steves Builds - home of the legendary BSB Magflashes. BSB do custom pistol and rifle builds, BFG's and HPA adapters.

Website - www.bigstevesbuilds.com

Insta - https://www.instagram.com/big_steves_builds/ 

Death Tread - are a designer clothing store. Check out some of their amazing designs.

Website - https://www.dis7inked.com/category/death-thread 

Insta - https://www.instagram.com/deaththreadclothing666/

Super5's are a specialist Airsoft and paintball shop. If they dont stock what you need they might be able to order it in.

Website - https://shop.super5ives.com/ 

Insta - https://www.instagram.com/super5ives/ 

Attachments / Mods 

Most F Team use mods made by Qtr Master, get in contact through his INSTA. Custom commissions and premade mods.

F TEAM Preferred Stores

There are many great shops out there, those that dont sponsor us but still deserve some extra attention are here;

High Capa Hub - Link Most of QtrMasters HiCapa mods have come from here