Photos and Videos
Here is some of the clips and pics weve taken from our deployments as well as amazing stories of valor!
War Stories
Jose9Toes 16th Jan 22 @Ground Zero - Im in the dead zone....there 8 or 9 enemy there too and they are just leaving....they head over to cut through the bushes to take stag camp(the position our team were holding) thinking "fuck they're screwed if they sneak up on them" then like Geralt of fucking rivea whos just pumped himself full of elixir some mother fuckers muzzle flash sprays out the bushes....flashes of orangy yellow with a tint of blue flash from the green bush as this whole team whelp and jump as they are peppered head to toe....6 are dead....1 drops and cowers in the tall grass like a vegan at meat food fight, and the other 2 drop back.....the 6 return to the dead zone, shocked at this display of sneak and surprise, some holding cheeks and chins(cos some twats don't wear masks) and some rubbing asses, they can't work out what happens. They talk like its a Vietnam flashback...."that muzzle blast came out of no where, its an intimidating sound too, scared the shite out of me"...suddenly the scared little boy pops up out the grass and joins the other 2 as the 3 search for this hero in the bush.....a sudden flash again!! One of the guy shouts "I see him he's over there!" And points to his location. The 3 move towards it as they were easily 10 meters down the track.....then suddenly like a bolt of lightning the muzzle comes from the side of the remaining 3, the team in the dead zone can't believe how it got there so quick....could it be another player? Some form of magic? Who is this invisible the 3 are taking down one of them claims to have hit the ghost....he states he didn't feel it but being the absolute legend he is takes it anyway and walks into the deadzone a god amongst team and enemy....I know what you're all thinking this person can't be real, its a fantasy...a legend... a myth! But I tell you its true it was in fact @Davey Partridge in all his glory. So I nominated him for the mvp award!
If you have any awesome stories you would like displayed forever please send them to The 1/4Master