

Fill this form to register your interest, or contact us directly.

We will then keep you updated about our upcoming workshops.

The Art of LEGO Robotics & Intro to FLL.

For the younger kids (2-6th grades), we will offer a week of robotics fun based on the LEGO Mindstorms. We use a game-based approach to teach solid robotics foundations, engaging kids to build robots for many fun missions and teaching visual-programming skills to control the robots. Children will use motors and sensors to perform robotic tasks, such as follow a line, detect other robots, knock down balls, and more.

We will introduce many STEM concepts relevant to robotics, such as gear ratios, speed/power tradeoffs, center of gravity, and PID control systems. Many children who participate in this robotics workshop, join a team themselves and we will do our best to help parents find a suitable team for any interested child.

Grade 2-6.

Mastering Advanced Robotics & Intro to FTC.

Our advanced robotics workshop for 7-12th graders. Participants will build larger robots using aluminum structural parts, powerful motors, servos and their own creativity. Using a kit, students will build an 18” by 18” robot of their own design to perform a competitive game played by 2 or more robots. All of the robot actions are programmed by the students using Java on Android Studio. The games are played using wirelessly-connected game pads. This class is a great way to launch any interested kids in the exciting world of 7-12th grade competitive FTC robotics.

Grade 6-12.

Becoming Proficient in CAD.

Learn how to use Fusion 360 using a problem based approach.


From students.

  • "I want to have this camp the whole year. I actually want this instead of school.

  • "When is this robotics camp going to start again after it's finished? I want it to start again real soon!"

From parents.

  • My child really loved this and I was amazed at how much he learned in such a short time! Everyone at Robocracy has been so incredibly lovely and kind and generous and it makes me so happy to think that when my child is involved in Robotics he is surrounded by people such as you. The Robotics seed has been planted and it is a wonderful thing.

  • I am so glad that my child had the opportunity to improve his programming skills, as well as enjoy the company of others who share his interests. The counselors were knowledgeable and patient - please pass along our thanks. I will continue to follow your team’s website and would be happy to sign my child for anything else you offer.


Fill this form to register your interest, or contact us directly.

We will then keep you updated about our upcoming workshops.


Our week-long camps are taught by our High-School-aged robotics team members, who have extensive experience in building and programming robotics at a competitive level. Our curriculum presents the children with a new robotic challenge each day, to keep the children engaged with increasing difficulty as the program progresses. Our robotics instructors will gently help guide the campers to draw from their creativity and ingenuity to find solutions to meet each challenge. They will build their robots from scratch and learn to program them to perform each mission. We keep our student instructor to camper ratio to 3 to 1, and also have at least two experienced adult coaches present at all time.

During this pandemic, we have adapted our curriculum to be remote-only instructions, dropping kits and mission props ahead of time.

Robocracy Robotics Workshop 2017.m4v

Prior Workshops

5th Annual Robcracy Robotic Summer Workshop, Remote learning, August 17-21, 2020

4th Annual Robocracy Robotics Summer workshop, Pace University, August 26-30th, 2019.

3rd Annual Robocracy Robotics Summer Workshop, Pace University, August 27-31st, 2018.

STEM Academy at Mercy College, Mercy College, Four Saturday mornings in April-May 2018.

2nd Annual Robocracy Robotics Summer Workshop, St. Mary parish hall, August 28th - September 1st, 2017

1st Annual Robocracy Robotics Summer Workshop, St. Mary parish hall, August 29th - September 2nd, 2016