featuring BIPOC in FSL

<> Texts in French Featuring BIPOC - fsl.bipoc.resources@gmail.com <>

Bienvenue !

We hope the slideshow above will help you find texts that you can use in French as Second Language classes that feature BIPOC doing ordinary & extraordinary things, as well as texts that help in addressing colonialism, racism, and other oppressions.

This project is only just beginning and our goal is to work on lessons to go along with the texts in this slideshow. These lessons will be featured in Learning Materials on this website.

If you are on a mobile phone or tablet, please use the Menu button in the top left corner, indicated by three horizontal lines, to access the rest of the website.

Please contact us if you would like to contribute to this project.

Finally, this work has been a LABOUR OF LOVE. When I realized that there is a lack of BIPOC representation in FSL resources used in the classroom-- I felt I needed to do something about it; this project has been the product of that desire. I’ve enjoyed spending time researching texts to add to this resource and working with many people who volunteered their time this summer to contribute to this project.

Un grand merci à mes ami.e.s et collègues pour tout leur travail,

Natasha Faroogh



A Note on Terminology:
I recognize "that the use of BIPOC is often read as a catch-all term; that there are many Indigenous peoples and nations on Turtle Island and that they are in no way monolithic; that not all people who may be perceived as Black may identify with the term; that not all people who are racialized other than white-European (or of white-European descent) might identify with the term “people of colour”;" (Faroogh) in the slideshow, and in the lessons, we do our best to make distinctions or specifications within communities as much as possible.