Interagency Standing Committee (IASC)

Localisation and the Covid-19 response - IASC Interim Guidance

Protection From Sexual Exploitation And Abuse (Psea) During Covid-19 Response

IASC Champion on PSEA and Sexual Harassment UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and UN Victims’ Rights Advocate

How much does it cost to respond to the COVID- 19 crisis? May 2020

IASC - Emergency Response Preparedness (Erp) Approach to the Covid-19 Pandemic (April 2020)

Launch of $2 billion appeal to combat COVID-19, Global Humanitarian Response Plan

The world faces a global health crisis unlike any in the 75-year history of the United Nations — one that is spreading human suffering, crippling the global economy and upending people’s lives. COVID-19 is threatening the whole of humanity – and the whole of humanity must fight back. Global action and solidarity are crucial.

The COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) is a joint effort by members of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), including UN, other international organizations and NGOs with a humanitarian mandate, to analyse and respond to the direct public health and indirect immediate humanitarian consequences of the pandemic, particularly on people in countries already facing other crises.

The COVID-19 Global HRP appeals for US$2.01 billion and aims to enable us to fight the virus in the world’s poorest countries, and address the needs of the most vulnerable people, especially women and children, older people, and those with disabilities or chronic illness. Coordinated by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), it brings together appeals from the World Health Organization and other UN humanitarian agencies. With proper funding, it will provide laboratory materials for testing, supplies to protect health-care workers and medical equipment to treat the sick. It will bring water and sanitation to places that desperately need it, and enable aid workers to get to the places they are needed.

This publication was produced by OCHA in collaboration with humanitarian partners across the world.