Food Security Coordination



FSC Monthly Sitrep

Situation Update 18th November to 18th December 2020

COVID-19 Monthly Situation Update 19th October / 15th November 2020


COVID-19 Monthly Situation Update 14th September / 15th October 2020

COVID-19 Monthly Situation Update 14th August to 13th September 2020

FSC monthly sitrep

COVID-19 Situation Update

13th July to 13th August 2020

COVID-19 Situation Update: Weeks 14 & 15

29th June – 12th July 2020

COVID-19 Situation Update: Weeks 12 & 13 (16th – 30th of June 2020)

COVID-19: Weeks 10 & 11 Situation Update

1st – 15th of June 2020

Research, Analytics and Monitoring to inform the COVID-19 response

FSC Weekly Situation Update 8 - 25th – 31st of May 2020

FSC Weekly Situation Update 7 - 18-25 May 2020

FSC Weekly Situation Update 7 - 11-18 May 2020

FSC Weekly Situation Update 6 - 4-10 May 2020

FSC Weekly Situation Update 5 - 27 April / 3 May 2020

FSC Weekly Situation Update (20/24 April 2020)

FSC Weekly Situation Update (13/17 April 2020)

MoM - COVID 19 FSC Working Group Conference call - 09th April 2020

Covid19 FSC WG Presentation during the 9th of April meeting

FSC Weekly Updates (14 april)

COVID-19 Weekly Situation Update

6th/12th April 2020


COVID-19: GUIDANCE Asset Creation Activities

Note: This guidance note has been adapted from WFP PD Immediate guidance on Asset Creation and Livelihoods, but recommendations are from the gFSC.

Context Shift(s)

As asset creation activities target all household members, the immediate effects of the changes in the vulnerability profile due to COVID-19 will be limited. Households with high dependent status (children, elderly, disabled, etc.) would already be taken into consideration during the community/households targeting phase of the activity. However, a complete suspension of community/households’ asset activities could be expected in order to ensure either safe distance between participants/households and or self-isolation.


gFSC COVID-19 Webinar with FSC teams - Q&A

Establishing remote monitoring and assessment capacities for Covid-19 response

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), many countries have put in place isolation and/orquarantine measures to reduce transmission risks and curb the spread of the virus. Without access to communities,traditional modalities to collect information and monitor the food security and basic needs of affected populations cannotbe relied upon; in addition, face-to-face surveys could expose enumerators to further risk of contagion. Nonetheless,the same information is needed, including the ability to answer key questions on the impacts of the outbreak on foodsecurity and livelihoods, health, access to services, markets and supply chains, as well as people’s challenges andneeds, among others.


WEBINAR (26 march 2020)

gFSC -Coronavirus, Impact on Well-Being, Health, Food Access and Food Security

Implications for Food Systems and Policy.

  • Pandemic vs Epidemic

  • Concern for global food security

  • Can Coronavirus Be Transmitted Through Food?

  • Implications for Food Systems and Policy


As the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) continues to spread, the Food Security Cluster (FSC) and its partners and other Food Security actors must be aware of the potential implications of the outbreak for humanitarian and development food security activities, and ensure they maintain the ability to deliver lifesaving assistance.

The FSC teams in all countries are advised to consider the following priorities:

  • − Engage FSC partners to ensure that life-saving assistance continues to be delivered;

  • − Minimize transmission risks for staff, partners and beneficiaries and;

  • − Develop contingency plans if any disruption of life-saving activities occurs, and/or to
    cover additional needs if required.

  • − Increase market price monitoring for staple food
    The present guidelines aim to support FSC teams and partners by providing key considerations and parameters to inform decision-making at country level regarding preparedness and response activities for food and nutrition assistance in the context of COVID-19.
    This document builds on WFP guidelines prepared in the first half of March 2020, but it is adjusted to the role of the Food Security Cluster.


gFSC - Annex - COVID19 - Recommendations for programmatic continuity

In all countries, whether COVID-19 cases have been reported or not, FSC partners should ensure they maintain the ability to deliver critical food assistance.

The following are general recommendations for food security assistance in the context of the COVID-19 outbreak. They have been drawn from WFP’s Guidelines, and adjusted for the Food Security Cluster.

All engagement and adjustments to operations should be aligned with country-specific guidance prepared and shared by the relevant health authorities and partners (e.g. Ministry of Health, WHO), national-level emergency preparedness and response plans, as well as inter-agency agreements and decisions (e.g. UNCT / HCT / UNRCO etc.). Complaint and Feedback Mechanisms (CFM) should be prepared to respond to information request on the various adjustments and to collect feedback.