Puppy Culture & ENS

A well-socialized, well-raised puppy leads to a healthier and happier pet! 

What sets us apart as breeders? We invest countless hours in raising these puppies with the best methods possible in order to ensure you take home a wonderful companion. Please take time to read below and watch the following videos!

Puppy Culture program

Puppy Culture is a complete program of over 50 lessons from whelping box to new home that is scientifically proven to greatly improve outcomes for puppies! This includes early neurological stimulation (ENS), resiliency exercises, socialization exercises, basic skills training, aggression prevention, and more. The Puppy Culture team consists of top veterinary behaviorists, veterinarians, breeders, and dog trainers. This team of experts have bred, raised, and trained thousands of dogs.

Click on the link below to be taken to Puppy Culture's website and to explore more. The following video is a good description of this program!

Puppy Culture breeder. Puppy culture breeder in Iowa

ENS Training

At a newborn age, puppies are only able to do minimal things such as smelling and crawling. Research from the U.S. Military Canine Program has shown that between days 3 to 16 of a puppy's life is a critical time for growth of the neurological system in puppies. To help our puppy's growth and neurological development, we practice a program called “Super Puppy.” According to studies this give dogs a superior advantage in life. Tests prove the puppies that go through ENS were found to be more active and confident than non-ENS puppies. They found the ENS puppies were calmer, and were more comfortable in stressful situations. Basically, by putting the puppies through semi-stressful situations for a short period of time leads to these outcomes:

 Benefits of Early Neurological Stimulation:

From day 3 – 16 of the puppies being born, we perform this daily stimulation individually on each of our FPG puppies. ENS includes the following 5 exercises for 3-5 seconds. These exercises help produce neurological stimulations that normally do not naturally occur during these early days of life.

ENS Program:

Below is a description of ENS and its benefits.