Friends of Myton Pool

Who are we?

FROMP (Friends of Myton Pool Trust Limited) are a group of neighbours committed to the renovation and environmental regeneration of Myton Pool in Warwick UK for the benefit of the wildlife and the community.  The area is all that remains of the formal gardens of the former Myton Grange.  

May 2024

Some pictures of the flowers in the wildflower meadow and beyond

Bat Box Examination - 20 April 2024

A great morning with Tricia from Warwickshire Bat Group.  She opened all the bat boes and whilst we unfortunately didn't find any bats, there was evidence they've been there in the past and we discovered that some of them need replacing.  Watch this space as we'll book her again to check the boxes in due course. 

New Logo - we thought it time for a change and have designed a new 'Friends of Myton Pool' logo.  We hope that you like the new image.  We are always looking for more people to get involved.  Meetings are held about 4 times a year and  some help is needed at events.  If you feel that you can spare some time, please contact us.

Recent Events at Myton Pool

Winter Solstice Celebration  - 22nd December 2023

Many people joined with us to celebrate the solstice at the Pool.  The band was excellent and there was mulled with and mince pies.  Father Christmas took time  out from his busy schedule to visit as well.  Events like these raise valuable funds for Friends of Myton Pool to help with the upkeep of the site.  Many thanks to all the volunteers who helped make this a successful event.

Bat Night

Thank you so much to everyone who attended the Bat Night on the 23rd September.  There was a great turn our plenty of bat dectors clicking away, bats were spotted and hot chocolate, cakes and sausage rolls were consumed.  It was a great success!  Thanks also to Warwickshire Wildlife trust and FROMP Volunteers for delivering such an excellent event.

Where to find Myton Pool 

Myton Pool is accessible via paths between 10-12 Bennett Drive, 20-22 Bennett Drive and at the west end of Ward Grove, Warwick