It seems that the game creates the primary and backbuffer surfaces, and then checks for the backbuffer being attached to the primary by means of the GetAttachedSurface method. This is quite a common operation, but since both primary and backbuffer are 3DDEVICE surfaces, this game doesn't look for a DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER capability as most games do, but looks for a DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE capability.

Now the problem is that in DxWnd windowed mode these two surfaces are not REALLY attached, so this situation has to be emulated by DxWnd also in this particular case. This requireas a small fix in DxWnd source code that I already made and I'm putting here in attach the dxwnd.dll file to replace in DxWnd folder. Once replaced, the Help->About... panel should report a version 2.04.27.frogger2 release.

To be clear, without touching the registry and with the fixed .dll the internal resolution is still at 1024x768; in the registry it's set to run in Fullscreen, and if I set it to 0 it'll give me other display problems (might try fixing them, but there's really no point in doing so since it works fine in fullscreen)

And by the way! I forgot to tell, the game crashes upon initializing DirectX if the Flip emulation is enabled. I had to keep it disabled for it to run (also, I forgot to say I'm on Windows 7 x64) but it doesn't seem to crash with the "frogger" dll version.

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1) terminate DxWnd and rename the dxwnd.ini config file so that DxWnd won't find it at next start and will propose an empty game list

2) using regedit rename the game registry key "Frogger2" so that again the game won't find it at next startup

3) drag & drop the frogger2.exe executable over the DxWnd window so that a new forgger2 entry is created with default settings

4) Go to the DxWnd logs tab and set log flags as in the attached picture 

5) run the game through DxWnd: the game should now show the dialog window for video resolution settings, and since the video card is emulated by DxWnd you should see resolutions up to 1600x1200 maximum!

5) Now the game should run. If it doesn't, grab the dxwnd.log file that is located in the game folder, compress and post it here: it should give me some useful clue.

Bobby S, I currently own a frogger brush with the groove tool. My frogger recently broke in one of my tournaments so I started using a wet towel and a tooth brush. I found that it works just as good and does not scratch my wedges, MC irons, or my Titleist 910 woods.Hope this helps.

Serious there is no safe place in any chopper accept for a Cargobob but that is slow and not for sale..

A maverick you can land it very quick with its wheels attached..

frogger can be found everywhere on the map so i find it a bit waste of $

a Buzzard is very aggile , quick descent when needed also it can climb the sky in no time... and you have yourself a good change to fight a tank/police/other Players...

i dont know Daimond but i would give my money on the Buzzard.

There will also be a detective chosen before the frogger they will leave the circle as the frogger is chosen then come back and try to guess who the frogger is. The detective should be given 3 guesses. 9af72c28ce

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