The error code shown on "Monitoring" is 0x87D00664. After some research I've found that it has timed out. Then I change the package's maximum runtime to 120 minutes and press the "Install" button in Software Center again. I've noticed that the package was stuck at "Downloading (0% complete)" and WUAHandler.log never updated after "Download progress callback:Download result oPCode=1". Checked UpdatesHandler.log and it says "No download info associated with update ..." and I suspect the issue to be right here, but idk how to fix it.

Some operations performed by the Berkeley DB library can take non-trivial amounts of time. The DB->set_feedback() method can be used by applications to monitor progress within these operations. When an operation is likely to take a long time, Berkeley DB will call the specified callback function with progress information.

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The value EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_CHANGING is called before the browser changes the value in the display (for questions which have a value) or takes an action (in the case of an action button or cross-reference). If the callback returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED, then the browser will use the value passed to Callback() and ignore the value returned by Callback(). If the callback returns EFI_SUCCESS, then the browser will use the value returned by Callback(). If any other error is returned, then the browser will not update the current question value. ActionRequest is used. The Value represents the updated value. The changes here should not be finalized until the user submits the results.

Hi there, I've been using Launchbox for almost 10 years now and this is the first time I've run into an issue. I just ran a fresh install of windows 11, went to install 13.7 and noticed that when it came to installing Direct X, nothing came up, the installer just went away. The files were installed for Launchbox but when I go to open the exe I get the usual Initializing window with the progress bar, but the progress only goes to 2% or something, then disappears and nothing loads up. I've uninstalled, removed the entries in the registry with CCleaner, downloaded 13.8 and installed with the same results. I even went to a previous windows restore point and run into the same issues.

The callback is not reentrant. The callback function shouldnot attempt to invoke any other SQLite interface. If it does, badthings may happen, including segmentation faults and corrupt databasefiles. The callback function should be a simple function thatdoes some arithmetic on its input parameters and returns a result.

The sqlite3_exec() interface runs zero or more UTF-8 encoded,semicolon-separate SQL statements passed into its 2nd argument,in the context of the database connection passed in as its 1stargument. If the callback function of the 3rd argument tosqlite3_exec() is not NULL, then it is invoked for each result rowcoming out of the evaluated SQL statements. The 4th argument tosqlite3_exec() is relayed through to the 1st argument of eachcallback invocation. If the callback pointer to sqlite3_exec()is NULL, then no callback is ever invoked and result rows areignored.

The 2nd argument to the sqlite3_exec() callback function is thenumber of columns in the result. The 3rd argument to the sqlite3_exec()callback is an array of pointers to strings obtained as if fromsqlite3_column_text(), one for each column. If an element of aresult row is NULL then the corresponding string pointer for thesqlite3_exec() callback is a NULL pointer. The 4th argument to thesqlite3_exec() callback is an array of pointers to strings where eachentry represents the name of corresponding result column as obtainedfrom sqlite3_column_name().

The sqlite3_progress_handler(D,N,X,P) interface causes the callbackfunction X to be invoked periodically during long running calls tosqlite3_step() and sqlite3_prepare() and similar fordatabase connection D. An example use for thisinterface is to keep a GUI updated during a large query.

The parameter P is passed through as the only parameter to thecallback function X. The parameter N is the approximate number ofvirtual machine instructions that are evaluated between successiveinvocations of the callback X. If N is less than one then the progresshandler is disabled.

The progress handler callback must not do anything that will modifythe database connection that invoked the progress handler.Note that sqlite3_prepare_v2() and sqlite3_step() both modify theirdatabase connections for the meaning of "modify" in this paragraph.

The progress handler callback would originally only be invoked from thebytecode engine. It still might be invoked during sqlite3_prepare()and similar because those routines might force a reparse of the schemawhich involves running the bytecode engine. However, beginning withSQLite version 3.41.0, the progress handler callback might also beinvoked directly from sqlite3_prepare() while analyzing and generatingcode for complex queries.

When a call to sqlite3_step() returns SQLITE_LOCKED, it is almostalways appropriate to call sqlite3_unlock_notify(). There is however,one exception. When executing a "DROP TABLE" or "DROP INDEX" statement,SQLite checks if there are any currently executing SELECT statementsthat belong to the same connection. If there are, SQLITE_LOCKED isreturned. In this case there is no "blocking connection", so invokingsqlite3_unlock_notify() results in the unlock-notify callback beinginvoked immediately. If the application then re-attempts the "DROP TABLE"or "DROP INDEX" query, an infinite loop might be the result.

The callback function should normally return SQLITE_OK. If an errorcode is returned, that error will propagate back up through theSQLite code base to cause the statement that provoked the callbackto report an error, though the commit will have still occurred. If thecallback returns SQLITE_ROW or SQLITE_DONE, or if it returns a valuethat does not correspond to any valid SQLite error code, the resultsare undefined.

The SQLITE_FCNTL_VFSNAME opcode can be used to obtain the names ofall VFSes in the VFS stack. The names are of all VFS shims and thefinal bottom-level VFS are written into memory obtained fromsqlite3_malloc() and the result is stored in the char* variablethat the fourth parameter of sqlite3_file_control() points to.The caller is responsible for freeing the memory when done. As withall file-control actions, there is no guarantee that this will actuallydo anything. Callers should initialize the char* variable to a NULLpointer in case this file-control is not implemented. This file-controlis intended for diagnostic use only.

The SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_GET_HANDLE opcode can be used to obtain theunderlying native file handle associated with a file handle. This filecontrol interprets its argument as a pointer to a native file handle andwrites the resulting value there.

SQLITE_TRACE_ROWAn SQLITE_TRACE_ROW callback is invoked whenever a preparedstatement generates a single row of result.The P argument is a pointer to the prepared statement and theX argument is unused.

When the commit hook callback routine returns zero, the COMMIToperation is allowed to continue normally. If the commit hookreturns non-zero, then the COMMIT is converted into a ROLLBACK.The rollback hook is invoked on a rollback that results from a commithook returning non-zero, just as it would be with any other rollback.

The sqlite3_preupdate_old(), sqlite3_preupdate_new(),sqlite3_preupdate_count(), and sqlite3_preupdate_depth() interfacesprovide additional information about a preupdate event. These routinesmay only be called from within a preupdate callback. Invoking any ofthese routines from outside of a preupdate callback or with adatabase connection pointer that is different from the one suppliedto the preupdate callback results in undefined and probably undesirablebehavior.

The sqlite3_preupdate_depth(D) interface returns 0 if the preupdatecallback was invoked as a result of a direct insert, update, or deleteoperation; or 1 for inserts, updates, or deletes invoked by top-leveltriggers; or 2 for changes resulting from triggers called by top-leveltriggers; and so forth.

The presence of a busy handler does not guarantee that it will be invokedwhen there is lock contention. If SQLite determines that invoking the busyhandler could result in a deadlock, it will go ahead and return SQLITE_BUSYto the application instead of invoking thebusy handler.Consider a scenario where one process is holding a read lock thatit is trying to promote to a reserved lock anda second process is holding a reserved lock that it is tryingto promote to an exclusive lock. The first process cannot proceedbecause it is blocked by the second and the second process cannotproceed because it is blocked by the first. If both processesinvoke the busy handlers, neither will make any progress. Therefore,SQLite returns SQLITE_BUSY for the first process, hoping that thiswill induce the first process to release its read lock and allowthe second process to proceed.

The busy callback should not take any actions which modify thedatabase connection that invoked the busy handler. In other words,the busy handler is not reentrant. Any such actionsresult in undefined behavior.

This routine releases the non-blocking request back to the library, regardless of its current state. Communications operations associated with this request will make progress internally, however no further notifications or callbacks will be invoked for this request.

However, IIRC, any successful date will result in at least 15% progress, so you don't need to micromanage the low level stuff completely. Let the progress go as low as you dare and periodically bump it back up to keep her on the map until CJ can get out of town. She won't want to dump CJ until he gets to -15% progress but the stats disappear when progress gets near 0% so it's hard to keep tabs on the exact figure without a trainer or editor.

Rather than reducing the security (see below), a better practice is to make the user feel better about waiting. The Ethers encryption and decryption API allows the developer to incorporate a progress bar, by passing in a progress callback which will be periodically called with a number between 0 and 1 indication percent completion. 9af72c28ce

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